Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Iranian Revolution (Day Fifty-Three)

Update (8/5/2009):Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifty-Four). End of Update:

The Obama administration has now recognized Ahmadinejad as the legitimate elected leader of Iran; "Reporter: "But does the administration recognize Ahmadinejad as the legitimate President of Iran?"

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs: "He is the elected leader."

Video embedded below. (from http://www.breitbart.tv/obama-administration-recognizes-ahmadinejad-as-elected-leader-of-iran)

Allahpundit opines; "so desperate are these tools to get Iran to the bargaining table and show Americans some sort of dividend from Hopenchange diplomacy that Gibbs actually acknowledges Ahmadinejad as the “elected leader” — the same lie the regime’s been telling the world and the same lie Iranians have been dying in the streets to challenge. As a de facto — and entirely gratuitous — endorsement of their corruption, it’s the lowest moment of The One’s presidency so far. And the only thing that’ll take the sting out of it is watching all the dumb liberals who painted their Twitter avatars green two months ago in solidarity with Mousavi’s supporters hemming and hawing now over how our lord and savior really had no choice but to kiss ass here." (http://hotair.com/archives/2009/08/04/rock-bottom-gibbs-says-ahmadinejad-is-the-elected-leader-of-iran). As disheartening as it was to watch the Obama administration basically stand by and watch, it is now upsetting to watch them take a stand against the freedom fighters.

Clinton may be working on something, though what (if at all) is not entirely clear (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/08/03/clinton_hosts_iran_secure_video_conference_with_state_iran_hands_worldwide).

Britain is sending a diplomat to the ceremony (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article6737849.ece).

The three American tourists captured after crossing into Iran are facing charges (http://keepingthechange.blogspot.com/2009/08/new-york-times-iran-us-hikers-charged.html).

The protesters are not giving up and are calling for protesters around the inauguration (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090804/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iran_election).

Rafsanjani’s daughter-in-law was arrested and then released shortly after (http://niacblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/04/rafsanjani’s-daughter-in-law-arrested).

Iranian protesters may have blow up bridge in there efforts to appose Ahmadinejad (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/concoughlin/100005478/iranian-dissidents-blow-up-bridge-in-protest-at-president-ahmadinejads-second-term [via http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2306956/posts]).

Videos of demonstrations reportedly from today (from http://keepingthechange.blogspot.com/2009/08/unconfirmed-video-of-protests-in-tehran.html).

Night chants of Allahu Akbar are still going on (http://niacblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/04/people-chanting-allahu-akbar-on-the-roofs).

Past related posts: (Label - Iranian Revolution (GR88))
Berman Post: Iranian Election Viewed as Rigged
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Riots Continue
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest at Union Square (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Six)
Berman Post: Prayer Vigil For The Fallen Iranian Protesters (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Ten)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eleven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twelve)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fourteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Sixteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Seventeen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eighteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nineteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Six)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Six)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Six)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Seven)
Berman Post: How Obama Should Have Handled The Iranian Protests
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifty-Two)

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