Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Five)

Update (7/8/2009):Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Six). End of Update:

Mothers of detained protesters gathered in front Evin prison to protest that detention (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/06/iran-uprising-blogging-mo_n_226128.html).

Michael Ledeen warns about "The Storm Ahead" (http://pajamasmedia.com/michaelledeen/2009/07/05/the-storm-ahead). Tucked in the article is something that gives a sense of just how intense the government crackdown is "Ali Khamenei, told his cluster of top advisers two days ago that it was time to totally shut down the protests, and he ordered that any and all demonstrators, regardless of their status, be arrested (although there is no longer room for new prisoners in Tehran’s jails; they are now using sports arenas as holding areas). He further ordered that all satellite dishes be taken down (good luck with that one; there are probably millions of them in Tehran alone). He ordered that the crackdown be done at night, to avoid all those annoying videos". He also thinks that the oil pipeline rupture (http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=198213) was sabotaged by the protesters.

Pamela Geller sees Obama's reaction to what is happening/happened in Iran as a "Historic Opportunity Squandered Under Weak US President" (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2009/07/iran-historic-opportunity-squandered-under-weak-us-president.html).

Manda Ervin (president of the Alliance of Iranian Women) also thinks Obama missed an opportunity and thinks his actions have legitimized the Mullahs (http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MzY2NmZjZWI3MmYwM2IxNTYzNDAzMDBiYzkyZDNjNzU=).

Israel denied that Saudi Arabia would let their plane fly over Saudi airspace to strike Iran (http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Saudis_would_turn_blind_eye_to_Israeli_jets_en_route_to_Iran_report_999.html).

Still, "Is The Time Ripe For An Israeli-Sunni Alliance Against Iran?" (http://soccerdad.baltiblogs.com/archives/2009/07/06/is_the_time_ripe_for_an_israeli-sunni_alliance_against_iran.html).

Israel does not plan on asking permission for a strike against Iran, should they decide a strike is necessary, from the United States (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jul/07/israel-fears-us-would-foil-iran-strike).

Meir Javedanfar and Dex Torricke-Barton believe that "Iran Will Never Be the Same Again" (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/meir-javedanfar/iran-will-never-be-the-sa_b_227159.html).

"Major D.C. demonstration on Thursday. Facebook page is here" (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/07/iran-uprising-blogging-tu_n_226820.html).

The Washington Post wants the Senate to help the protesters get their message out circumventing the Iranian government clamp down (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/06/AR2009070603305.html). I think that would be a great place to start, but that they should have got this done three weeks ago.

Past related posts:
Berman Post: Iranian Election Viewed as Rigged
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Riots Continue
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest at Union Square (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Six)
Berman Post: Prayer Vigil For The Fallen Iranian Protesters (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Ten)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eleven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twelve)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fourteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Sixteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Seventeen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eighteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nineteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Four)


  1. The Washington Post wants the Senate to help the protesters get their message out circumventing the Iranian government clamp down ...

    Why not ask the President to help?

  2. @ic - While I can not speak for the Washington Post, it is likely because Obama has shown an unwillingness to get involved and help the protesters.


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