Thursday, December 31, 2009
Blue MoonThis New Year's Eve
"According to NASA, the last time a Blue Moon fell on New Year’s Eve was almost 20 years ago, in December 1990. And although a Blue Moon occurs on average every two and a half years, the next time one will fall on New Year’s Eve won’t be until 2028."
2009 Comes to an End
Google Blog End of The Year Wrap-Up
"It's time again for our annual wrap-up of blogging at Google. You may have noticed 2009 marked our fifth year here on the Official Google Blog — our first post was in April 2004 — and it was our busiest year yet. This is our 423rd post of 2009 — a 15 percent increase over last year. We're also pleased to note that a total of 14,493,472 readers stopped by this year, a 21 percent increase. You hail from all over: more than half of visitors are outside of the U.S. The other top countries are (in order) U.K., India, Canada, Germany and France.
What captured your attention this year? Here are the top 10 posts of 2009, by unique pageviews:
- Introducing the Google Chrome OS - 2,591,794 unique pageviews (more than 12 percent of the year's total). The announcement of our open source operating system received more than 4x the views of any other post.
- Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave - 639,225. Wave-mania struck after we introduced a new product for collaboration and communication at our Google I/O conference.
- Here comes Google Voice - 357,084. We released a preview of this application to help you better manage your voice communications.
- "This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?! - 320,435. A short-lived error affecting Google search results led to confusion and concern; this post cleared it up.
- Email in Indian languages - 224,052. A transliteration feature in Gmail that makes it easier to type in Indian languages was a hit. More than one million readers of the blog in 2009 were from India — a 53 percent increase over 2008.
- Releasing the Chromium OS open source project - 217,424. A few months after announcing our operating system project, we open-sourced it as Chromium OS.
- Now you see it, now you don't - 165,329. We introduced a new, clean version of our classic homepage.
- Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really) - 164,319. Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Talk all lost their beta tags (in Gmail's case, after five years!).
- Now S-U-P-E-R-sized! - 155,196. A "small" change increasing the size of the Google search box got a lot of attention.
- Introducing Google Public DNS - 143,122. We launched our public DNS resolver, which converts domain names into unique Internet Protocol (IP) numbers.
As always, we had some fun in 2009, with grass-mowing goats and a panda-obsessed Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity (CADIE) on April Fools' Day. Our curiosity was piqued by Atlantis (or not) under the sea, constellations in Google Sky Map and a fresnel lens somewhere in between."
The 15 Biggest Stories of 2009
"While Pew compiled the establishment media’s top 15 stories from PEJ’s News Coverage Index, it failed to compile a similar list from PEJ’s New Media Index, which used services including Icerocket and Technorati to track interest in stories by the percentage of news links appearing in blog posts.
Had they done so, the list of the 15 bloggiest stories of 2009 would have looked like this:
1. Economic crisis/AIG bonuses (Mar 16-20) 65%
2. Obama Inaguration (Jan 19-23) 63%
3. Iran post-election unrest (Jun 15-19) 63%
4. Economy/Financial bailouts (Mar 23-27) 62%
5. ClimateGate (Dec 7-11) 52%
6. “What Happened to Global Warming?” (Oct 12-16) 50%
7. Stimulus passes (Feb 9-13) 50%
8. E-mail Phishing Scam (Oct 5-9) 45%
9. Senate passes health insurance bill (Dec 21-25) 44%
10. Navy SEALS charged with punching terrorist (Nov 23-27) 40%
11. Stimulus contents (Feb 2-6) 39%
12. Ted Kennedy dies (Aug 24-28) 38.7%
13. Obama slips in polls (Jul 20-24) 36%
14. Interrogation memos released (Apr 20-24) 36%
15. Prop 8 upheld (May 25-29) 35%
The original from the Pew Research Center;
Pictures embedded below.
Russian Space Program Considering Intercepting 'Apophis' (Asteroid)
"Russia is considering sending a spacecraft to deflect a large asteroid and prevent a possible collision with Earth, according to a radio interview by the head of the country's space agency. Anatoly Perminov said the space agency will hold a meeting soon to assess a mission to Apophis, and said NASA, ESA, the Chinese space agency and others would be invited to join the project. Apophis is a 270-meter (885-foot) asteroid that was spotted in 2004. It is projected to come within 29,450 kilometers (18,300 miles) of Earth in 2029, and currently has an estimated 1-in-250,000 chance of hitting Earth in 2036."
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
NFL Quarterback More Accurate Then an Archer
Video embedded below.
Climategate Timeline Visualized
Click on the image to see it enlarged, but download the full PDF to see the detail.
Download The PDF (788k)
Mohib Ebrahim has created this amazing document. I’ve created a permanent Home page for this beautiful poster that will host the latest updates of this enormous Timeline as a PDF. There are also printable versions in A4, A3, A2, US letter and US tabloid for those of you (like me) who need printed versions to scribble on, and scrawl exclamation marks.
Timeline home page"
Past related posts:
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked Emails Suggest Global Warming Fraud Among Top Scientists
Berman Post: Hide The Decline
Berman Post: PJTV on 'ClimateGate'
Berman Post: A New Zealand 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: John Holdren (Obama Science Czar) Is Directly Involved With 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: 'ClimateGate' or 'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Original CRU Data Has Been Destroyed
Berman Post: Scientists at Center of 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Agree to Turn Over All Raw Data ... Sort of
Berman Post: Gibbs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' ... 'No Dispute on Climate Chage'
Berman Post: Phil Jones Steps Down Over 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Jon Stewart Goofs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Scientists
Berman Post: Silicon Graffiti - Hide The Decline!
Berman Post: UN to Investigate 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Dilbert on The Made up Global Warming Numbers, Sort of
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked 'ClimateGate' Emails Traced to Russia
Berman Post: Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: More on Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: A NASA ClimateGate?
Berman Post: Another ClimateGate at Darwin Zero?
Berman Post: McAleer Booted For Asking a Tough Question, Again
Berman Post: 'Hockey Stick Graph' in Context
Berman Post: Lord Monckton Debates a Greenpeace Campaigner (Global Warming)
Berman Post: More Temperature Adjustments Controversy - Nashville Tennessee
Berman Post: Public Climate Research Data Being Taken Offline
Berman Post: Lord Monckton 'Pwned' by a Sticker Being Placed on His Back
Berman Post: Another Climate Denier 'Pwned' Hit With a Flying Object During Live Interview
Berman Post: Russian IEA Claims CRU Tampered With Climate Data
Berman Post: Mic Gets Cut For Trying to Ask Gore a Question
Berman Post: Obama at The Copenhagen Climate Conference
Berman Post: "Low Targets, Goals Dropped: Copenhagen Ends in Failure"
Berman Post: "Whenever Global Warming Partisans Convene, a Blizzard Follows"
Berman Post: "Climate Instability"
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Google Highlights The Iranian Revolution Struggle
Video embedded below. (and and)
"The images are grainy, often jerky and hard to follow (like most footage shot using hand-held cameras and cellphones), but the message is unmistakable: in the months since the disputed Iranian presidential election in June, the people of Iran have become fluent in the new language of citizen video reporting. What might have seemed an isolated moment immediately following the election, when we watched videos of Iranians marching, battling and even dying on the streets of Tehran, appears to have become an essential part of their struggle.
At YouTube, we have been watching week after week as new videos have appeared on the site within hours of every single protest or similar event reported from Iran in the past six months. Thousands of uploads have brought the fear and tension of these protests to YouTube, inviting millions of views around the world. It is as if the revolts that are taking place could not do so outside the eye of the camera.
Unlike traditional news footage from foreign correspondents (currently prohibited in Iran), these videos are the voice of the people — unfiltered, unedited and with a single, sometimes disturbing point of view. No professional film could capture the one-to-one feeling of watching an ordinary citizen's images of unrest in his or her own country."
Janet Napolitano - "The System Worked" Before Saying "Our System Did Not Work"
"Let the Furious Napolitano Spin Begin
"One thing I would like to point out is that the system worked" - Janet Napolitano on CNN
"Our system did not work in this instance" - Janet Napolitano on the Today Show"
Judicial Watch - Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians For 2009
"1. Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)
2. Senator John Ensign (R-NV)
3. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)
4. Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner
5. Attorney General Eric Holder
6. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)
7. President Barack Obama
8. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
9. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and the rest of the PMA Seven
10. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY)"
Obama's Playbook For Handling Unexpected Problems
"Politico's Carol E. Lee has an interesting story today on President Obama's "by-now familiar pattern...for dealing with unexpected problems." As best we can figure, the Obama damage control strategy consists of these 5 easy steps:
Step 1: Deny seriousness of issue.
Step 2: Deny any admin responibility/failure.
Step 3: Have spokespeople convey O’s feelings to public.
Step 4: Blame Bush admin.
Step 5: Concede the issue days later.
... Maybe it's when the president goes bowling that you're supposed to find immediate shelter and duck tape the windows."
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Day Terrorist Says 'More Like Him Coming' as Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility
"Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, charged with the attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253, told FBI agents there were more just like him in Yemen who would strike soon.
And in a tape released four days before the attempted destruction of the Detroit-bound Northwest plane, the leader of al Qaeda in Yemen boasted of what was planned for Americans, saying, "We are carrying a bomb to hit the enemies of God.""
"Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility Monday for the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack on an inbound international flight, saying it was in retaliation for alleged U.S. strikes on Yemeni soil."
Man Flew Into LaGuardia With Explosive
"Officials confirmed Monday that a crew member on board Piedmont Airlines flight 4126, originating from Baltimore Washington International Airport, was cleaning the plane after it landed in New York around 7:30 p.m. when he found a large firecracker-like device wedged between two seats. Port Authority officials contacted FBI agents, and the passenger from that seat location, identified as 67-year-old Thomas Ouelette, of Bonita Springs, Fla., was tracked down and taken into custody.
Ouelette was planning on taking a connecting flight to Fort Myers, Fla. from New York.
Authorities did not release details on the kind of device discovered other than saying it was a 4-inch-long, three-quarter-inch-wide explosive pyrotechnic."
Israel Calls All Their Ambassadors Home For a 'Special Meeting' (via)
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman, will host a conference next week (27-31 December) for Israeli Heads of Missions. At the conference, Israel’s ambassadors and consuls general serving throughout the world will discuss broad diplomatic and strategic issues.
This is the first time a conference for all of Israel’s Heads of Missions has been held. The idea is to facilitate direct dialogue with the country’s leaders, mutual updates on major diplomatic issues, and a discussion of action plans to deal with the challenges awaiting the State of Israel in the international arena in the coming year, including the Iranian threat."
Why The Health Care 'Savings' Are Fake
Video embedded below.
Past posts with 10000Pennies Videos:
Berman Post: Obama's $100M budget Cut Visualized
Berman Post: The National Debt Road Trip (Federal Deficit Visualized)
Berman Post: The Obama Stimulus: Predictions vs. Reality
Berman Post: Healthcare Plan Effects And Cost Visualized
Berman Post: Getting Beaten to Death by The 800 Pound Mandatory Spending Gorilla ... And Creating Another Gorilla
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Flight Bomb Terrorist Used PETN (Explosive) Sewn Into His Underwear
"The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized and launched by al Qaeda leaders in Yemen who apparently sewed bomb materials into the suspect's underwear before sending him on his mission, federal authorities tell ABC News.
Investigators say the suspect had more than 80 grams of PETN, a compound related to nitro-glycerin used by the military. The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid, had only about 50 grams kin his failed attempt in 2001 to blow up a U.S.-bound jet. Yesterday's bomb failed because the detonator may have been too small or was not in "proper contact" with the explosive material, investigators told ABC News."
Another Disturbance on The Same Amsterdam-Detroit Flight
"The same Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight that was attacked on Christmas Day saw another security scare Sunday after a confrontation with a sick passenger, officials said. Security and airline personnel have been on edge since authorities charged a passenger from Nigeria with attempting to detonate a hidden explosive device while his flight from Amsterdam approached Detroit on Friday.
In the Sunday incident, the flight crew became concerned after the man - also Nigerian - became sick and spent about an hour locked in the bathroom, officials said.
"This raised concerns so an alert was raised," FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said. "The investigation shows that this was a non-serious incident and all is clear at this point." No devices have been found on the plane and investigators say no apparent threats were made, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr ."
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A Batteries That Can Power a House For a Week (via
"Panasonic is going to create one of the hottest batteries available to date. The new lithium-ion storage cell should power up a whole house in 2011 when it could be available to the general public. I don't know about you but I'd want to plug that battery right into my laptop and see how much life it will be able to offer me.
Furnio Otsubo, president of Panasonic said that the new battery should offer sufficient electricity for about one week of use."
Kimbo Slice vs Caterpillar (Norton Commercial)
Video embedded below.
Christmas Day Terrorist Strike on an Airliner Failed
If an attack during the month of Ramadan is an attack on Islam, what does an attack during Christmas signify...
"Airports around the world intensified their security for U.S. bound passengers Saturday as American officials sought more information about the motives of a Nigerian man who tried to light an incendiary device aboard a flight as it descended into Detroit on Christmas Day.
Federal investigators are continuing to gather information about the suspect, Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, including claims that he is linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist network.
FBI scientists in Quantico, Va., are testing the powdery material that Abdulmutallab allegedly mixed with a chemical-laden syringe aboard a flight from Amsterdam on Christmas day, said the federal law enforcement source. Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam landed safely about 1 p.m. Friday.
Abdulmutallab was treated Friday at a hospital for burns after having been subdued by fellow passengers during what some news reports described as an extended scuffle."
Rush Limbaugh Cares More Than You
Video embedded below.
Media 'Lowlights' Of 2009
"There were so many media lowlights that it's a challenge to pick the best of the worst for a year-end recap, but here goes:
"Teabaggers" everywhere! The mainstream media's abysmal coverage of the "tea party" movement wins the award for media bias of the year hands down.
Global warming games. The tea party movement exposed the bias of liberal journalists to start the year, and ClimateGate did the same to end it. E-mails and other documents showed that for years, leading climate scientists had been manipulating scientific data, suppressing research, and playing politics in the peer-review system.
Obamania. The occasionally critical press coverage that President Obama has garnered may mislead news consumers into thinking that the media have reported on him objectively, but they have not. The media's Obama worship of Campaign 2008 continued into 2009. The newsroom swoon when Obama visited The Washington Post a few days before inauguration serves as an apt symbol for the first year of his presidency.
"Palinoia." The media's contempt for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is as strong as its love for Obama. Their animosity for Palin spawned a new term in political discourse -- "Palinoia" -- and journalists had bouts of the disease on and off all year.
Van Who? What ACORN videos? Ignorance may be bliss, but in the news business, it's also bias. Fortunately, the low barriers to journalism in the information age give conservatives the ability to break news on "the fringe" and force the "professionals" to stop neglecting their duty.
That's how Van Jones lost his cushy job as Obama's "green jobs" czar. No matter how radical Jones' political beliefs or how insulting his behavior, establishment journalists scoffed at the suggestion that they should care. As a result of their willful ignorance about Jones being unfit to serve the country, their reputations took a hit.
Rather than learn from the mistake, however, the media quickly repeated it by tuning out another scandal involving the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Undercover activists caught ACORN officials on tape professing a willingness to enable child prostitution and tax fraud, among other offenses."
Head to the source (or just check the archives here) for a more detailed explanation of each incident.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Senate Passes 'ReidCare' 60-39
"First, the House has to either consider adopting the Senate bill in toto or responding with another version of their own bill that passed a few weeks ago. Even the White House doesn't consider the first option realistic, which is why they're resetting expectations about getting a unified bill out of Congress to February and doing the "hard pivot" to jobs and the economy instead.
This goes back to the House, and then likely back again to the Senate, and perhaps even a stop in a conference committee if Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can't avoid it. Meanwhile, the appraisal by voters of this effort will continue to get worse and worse, and this will continue to be an albatross around the neck of Democrats in 2010."
And this little gem that Ace helps make sure does not fall through the cracks.
"Isn't It Supposed to Work the Other Way 'Round? progressoverpeace seizes on this telling quote by Schumer:
I believe that the negativity that Leader McConnell and others have continually displayed on the floor has peaked, and now when people learn what's actually in the bill—and all the good it does—it is going to become more and more popular...
Isn't the citizenry supposed to be afforded a fair chance to "learn what's actually in the bill" before their alleged representatives vote it into operation? And -- let's face it, we are not just talking about citizens "learning what's actually in the bill." We are talking about Senators, including Schumer, finally taking the time to learn themselves what oddball provisions have been put into this crazy-quilt patchwork of bribes and sell-outs and taxes and death panels.
They cobbled this thing together with no game plan, and they did so in a furious rush. Something like 2700 pages and it's never actually been read, merely written at 1 a.m. by legislative staffers with no actual goal in mind except to get this one Senator on board this minute, and now this other Senator the next."
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Soccer Kick Fail
Video embedded below.
Jumping From One Plane to Another ... in Midair
Video embedded below.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
How to Open a Bottle of Wine With Your Shoe
Video embedded below.
Why Women Live Longer Than Men (in Pictures)
Pictures embedded below.
Pictures embedded below.
Many more at both sources.
Third Quarter GDP Growth Revised Downward (Again) to 2.2 Percent
"The third-quarter growth looks a lot more anemic than advertised by the Obama administration, especially when one considers the gimmicks that temporarily boosted its performance. Most troubling is Commerce's poor performance in analyzing economic conditions. If they're so incompetent as to miss this figure by 37% (1.3 from 3.5 is slightly over 37%), then clearly they need some fresh talent. If they got pressured into stating overly cheerful numbers, it's something else entirely. That would be something Congress should investigate … if we had an independent Congress at all."
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
World Map Of Social Networks
Picture embedded below.

(click through for larger version, interactive widget below)
Balloon Boy's Parents Sent Bill To Reimburse Government
"The parents in the "Balloon Boy" ruse have been hit with a tab of $42,000 from local, state and federal agencies for their October stunt that briefly left many fearing for the fate of their 6-year-old, their lawyer said Monday. The Heenes' attorney, David Lane, said the Fort Collins couple isn't ready to pay up, at least not yet. "Let's see the bills," he said. "They're not paying anything until they see some receipts." Lane said he was e-mailed the amounts by the Larimer County district attorney's office." (YouTube URL Shortener)
"To see this feature in action, use AutoShare to link up your YouTube account to social networks like Twitter and Google Reader. Then, whenever you favorite a video on YouTube, for example, that action will get syndicated out to your network, who will see this shortened edition of the video's URL.
To use manually, simply take a URL like and replace the "" with "" to get: Plug that shorter URL into a browser, and you'll see it redirects to that video."
Monday, December 21, 2009
HP’s Webcam Software is Racist
Video embedded below.
HP seems to acknowledge the problem but puts it much more delicately then is in the video, 'contrast issues'.
"Some of you may have seen or heard of a YouTube video in which the facial-tracking software didn’t work for a customer. We thank Desi, and the people who have seen and commented on his video, for bringing this subject to our attention.
We are working with our partners to learn more. The technology we use is built on standard algorithms that measure the difference in intensity of contrast between the eyes and the upper cheek and nose. We believe that the camera might have difficulty “seeing” contrast in conditions where there is insufficient foreground lighting. While we work on this, take a look here for more information on the impact of lighting on facial tracking software, and how to optimize your webcam experience:"
Twitter is Now Profitable
"Twitter Inc. will make about $25 million from Internet-search deals with Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp. announced in October, enough to push the site into profitability, people familiar with the matter said.
An agreement that made Twitter’s messages searchable on Google’s site will generate about $15 million, said the people, who asked to remain anonymous because the terms aren’t public. A similar deal with Microsoft’s Bing search engine will earn Twitter about $10 million.
The multiyear agreements will allow Twitter to make a small profit in 2009, said the people, who estimate that its operating costs are about $20 million to $25 million a year. The San Francisco-based company, which started in 2006, has about 105 employees, according to its Web site."
Sheldon (D) - 'ObamaCare Opponents Are All Aryan Racists Birthers'
"Kerry Picket provides the transcript:
“Voting ‘no’ and hiding from the vote are the same result. Those of us on the floor see it. It was clear the three of them who did not cast their yes votes until all 60 Senate votes had been tallied and it was clear that the result was a foregone conclusion. And why? Why all this discord and discourtesy, all this unprecedented destructive action? All to break the momentum of our new young president.
They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama. The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one.”
So in which of these three groups does the Seattle Times editorial board belong?
"Health Care Overhaul Passes Vote For Cloture 60-40,0,1920190.story
"The Senate took a giant step toward passing its sweeping healthcare bill early today, uniting fractious Democrats after months of debate over President Obama's promise to reduce the ranks of the uninsured.
Breaking the Republican filibuster required the votes of all 60 members of the Democratic caucus. The cloture motion, which passed 60 to 40"
Motorcycle With Built in Rocket Launchers
EMBED-Guy Makes Motorcycle Rocket Launchers - Watch more free videos
They are not really rocket launchers, but fireworks meant to replicate the look. Still doubt it is street legal though.
"Climate Instability"
"Just as "global warming" was pushed into an inconveniently cold and bitter night, "climate change" may be readying its last will and testament.
"Climate change" was always a weak substitute for "global warming", because it was always so easy to rebut. As even the experts were forced to concede, the climate is always changing and has since long before man discovered spark plugs.
This new terminology is more clever, for it neatly avoids the shortcomings of its clumsy forebears. It requires neither warming, nor change. Just television.
Warm winters, cold winters, more hurricanes, fewer hurricanes, growing ice caps, melting ice caps - directions won't matter. Every "new" temperature record, every seasonal flood, every California hot spell, every dusting of snow in the south of France - in other words, local weather, reported globally, will return full force as evidence of anthropogenic climate crime, as it did in a simpler time when the ice conditions of a canal in Ottawa led to nationwide panic.
So, get ready to welcome the new talking point on the block: "climate instability"."
Past related posts:
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked Emails Suggest Global Warming Fraud Among Top Scientists
Berman Post: Hide The Decline
Berman Post: PJTV on 'ClimateGate'
Berman Post: A New Zealand 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: John Holdren (Obama Science Czar) Is Directly Involved With 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: 'ClimateGate' or 'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Original CRU Data Has Been Destroyed
Berman Post: Scientists at Center of 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Agree to Turn Over All Raw Data ... Sort of
Berman Post: Gibbs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' ... 'No Dispute on Climate Chage'
Berman Post: Phil Jones Steps Down Over 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Jon Stewart Goofs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Scientists
Berman Post: Silicon Graffiti - Hide The Decline!
Berman Post: UN to Investigate 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Dilbert on The Made up Global Warming Numbers, Sort of
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked 'ClimateGate' Emails Traced to Russia
Berman Post: Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: More on Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: A NASA ClimateGate?
Berman Post: Another ClimateGate at Darwin Zero?
Berman Post: McAleer Booted For Asking a Tough Question, Again
Berman Post: 'Hockey Stick Graph' in Context
Berman Post: Lord Monckton Debates a Greenpeace Campaigner (Global Warming)
Berman Post: More Temperature Adjustments Controversy - Nashville Tennessee
Berman Post: Public Climate Research Data Being Taken Offline
Berman Post: Lord Monckton 'Pwned' by a Sticker Being Placed on His Back
Berman Post: Another Climate Denier 'Pwned' Hit With a Flying Object During Live Interview
Berman Post: Russian IEA Claims CRU Tampered With Climate Data
Berman Post: Mic Gets Cut For Trying to Ask Gore a Question
Berman Post: Obama at The Copenhagen Climate Conference
Berman Post: "Low Targets, Goals Dropped: Copenhagen Ends in Failure"
Berman Post: "Whenever Global Warming Partisans Convene, a Blizzard Follows"
Non-Muslims 'Trapped' in Medina (Saudi Arabia)
Rock The Vote - 'Prostitute Yourself For ObamaCare'
Video embedded below.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
"Whenever Global Warming Partisans Convene, a Blizzard Follows"
Past related posts:
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked Emails Suggest Global Warming Fraud Among Top Scientists
Berman Post: Hide The Decline
Berman Post: PJTV on 'ClimateGate'
Berman Post: A New Zealand 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: John Holdren (Obama Science Czar) Is Directly Involved With 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: 'ClimateGate' or 'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Original CRU Data Has Been Destroyed
Berman Post: Scientists at Center of 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Agree to Turn Over All Raw Data ... Sort of
Berman Post: Gibbs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' ... 'No Dispute on Climate Chage'
Berman Post: Phil Jones Steps Down Over 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Jon Stewart Goofs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Scientists
Berman Post: Silicon Graffiti - Hide The Decline!
Berman Post: UN to Investigate 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Dilbert on The Made up Global Warming Numbers, Sort of
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked 'ClimateGate' Emails Traced to Russia
Berman Post: Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: More on Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: A NASA ClimateGate?
Berman Post: Another ClimateGate at Darwin Zero?
Berman Post: McAleer Booted For Asking a Tough Question, Again
Berman Post: 'Hockey Stick Graph' in Context
Berman Post: Lord Monckton Debates a Greenpeace Campaigner (Global Warming)
Berman Post: More Temperature Adjustments Controversy - Nashville Tennessee
Berman Post: Public Climate Research Data Being Taken Offline
Berman Post: Lord Monckton 'Pwned' by a Sticker Being Placed on His Back
Berman Post: Another Climate Denier 'Pwned' Hit With a Flying Object During Live Interview
Berman Post: Russian IEA Claims CRU Tampered With Climate Data
Berman Post: Mic Gets Cut For Trying to Ask Gore a Question
Berman Post: Obama at The Copenhagen Climate Conference
Berman Post: "Low Targets, Goals Dropped: Copenhagen Ends in Failure"
Stolen Auschwitz Entrance Gate Sign "Arbeit Macht Frei" Found
"The "Arbeit macht frei" sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men have been arrested, police say.
They said the metal sign from the main gate, which symbolises for many the atrocities of Nazi Germany, had been cut into three pieces.
A major search was launched after the sign was stolen before dawn on Friday.
Its theft, the motive for which was not being reported, caused outrage in Israel and among Polish politicians."
Moron Throws Snowball at Cop With Gun Drawn
Video embedded below.
Alan Grayson (D) Wants His Critics Jailed For Five Years
"U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando took such offense at a parody website aimed at unseating him that the freshman Democrat has asked that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder investigate the Lake County activist who started the anti-Grayson website “”
Specifically, Grayson accuses Republican activist Angie Langley of lying to federal elections. His four-page complaint highlights the fact that the Clermont resident lives outside his district, but that Langley still uses the term “my” in “”
“Ms. Langley has deliberately masqueraded as a constituent of mine, in order to try to create the false appearance that she speaks for constituents who don’t support me,” writes Grayson. “[She] has chosen a name for her committee that is utterly tasteless and juvenile.”
Grayson’s office did not respond with comment other than to confirm the letter exists — including its request that Langley be fined and “imprisoned for five years.”"
Past Alan Grayson posts:
Berman Post: Alan Grayson (D) - "The Republicans Want You to Die Quickly if You Get Sick"
Berman Post: Alan Grayson (D) Not Sorry For His "The Republicans Want You to Die Quickly if You Get Sick"
Berman Post: Grayson (D) Triples Down - Not Sorry For What he Said, Sorry For Not Voting Sooner to End This Holocaust
Berman Post: Alan Grayson - "Republicans Probably Wish There Was a Nobel Prize For Fear ... Hatred ... Racism"
Berman Post: Alan Grayson (D) Called a Female Lobbyist a "K Street Whore"
Berman Post: Cavuto Fires Back at Grayson (D)
Berman Post:
Christmas Prank - Wrap Everything
Videos embedded below.
Cop Pulls a Gun in a Snowball Fight
Video embedded below.
"A plainclothes police detective allegedly pulled his gun out and waved it at a large group of people in a snowball fight at the corner of 14th and U Saturday afternoon.
The incident began when a plain-clothes detective approached the crowd of people throwing snowballs and got into a verbal altercation with members of the crowd, according to police.
A uniformed officer responded to the scene after getting calls about a man with a gun. The uniformed officer pulled out his weapon as he approached the plain-clothes detective. As soon as the detective identified himself the uniformed officer put his gun back in the holster, police said."
Wibiya Toolbar
As always, feel free to email me your thoughts on the new feature.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Nelson's (D) Big Payoff
Video embedded below.
Twitter Hack Blamed on Faulty Email Security
"A successful attack on Twitter early Friday morning is being blamed on Twitter’s own email security, as hackers were able to get access to an email account and change a password, then redirect traffic elsewhere.
Now Twitter’s DNS provider, Dyn Inc., has absolved itself of blame by claiming that the DNS records were changed by an authorized user: in other words, the attacker had the password to Twitter’s Dyn Inc account, logged in and changed the settings. That points to one likely cause: a Twitter administrator had their email security compromised, and a password reset request was made.
Twitter’s email security was also the cause of previous Twitter attacks: a breach of one staff member’s email account provided access."
Man Arrested For Being Naked in His Own House Found Guilty
"The Fairfax County man who was arrested for being naked -- in his home -- was found guilty Friday of indecent exposure, but the judge did not fine him or sentence him to jail.
Yvette Dean testified that about two hours later, at 8:40 a.m., she and her son were walking single file on a footpath near the side of Williamson's home. Dean said she heard "a rattling sound that distracted me." She looked over and saw Williamson standing in a doorway, holding open the screen door with one hand, and made eye contact with him.
O'Flaherty sentenced him to 180 days in jail, all suspended for one year. He imposed no fine, just court costs of about $72, which Williamson didn't have to pay because he appealed."
"Low Targets, Goals Dropped: Copenhagen Ends in Failure"
"The UN climate summit reached a weak outline of a global agreement last night in Copenhagen, falling far short of what Britain and many poor countries were seeking and leaving months of tough negotiations to come.
After eight draft texts and all-day talks between 115 world leaders, it was left to Barack Obama and Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, to broker a political agreement. The so-called Copenhagen accord "recognises" the scientific case for keeping temperature rises to no more than 2C but did not contain commitments to emissions reductions to achieve that goal."
Past related posts:
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked Emails Suggest Global Warming Fraud Among Top Scientists
Berman Post: Hide The Decline
Berman Post: PJTV on 'ClimateGate'
Berman Post: A New Zealand 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: John Holdren (Obama Science Czar) Is Directly Involved With 'ClimateGate'?
Berman Post: 'ClimateGate' or 'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Original CRU Data Has Been Destroyed
Berman Post: Scientists at Center of 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Agree to Turn Over All Raw Data ... Sort of
Berman Post: Gibbs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' ... 'No Dispute on Climate Chage'
Berman Post: Phil Jones Steps Down Over 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Jon Stewart Goofs on 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick' Scientists
Berman Post: Silicon Graffiti - Hide The Decline!
Berman Post: UN to Investigate 'ClimateGate'/'ClimaQuiddick'
Berman Post: Dilbert on The Made up Global Warming Numbers, Sort of
Berman Post: Leaked/Hacked 'ClimateGate' Emails Traced to Russia
Berman Post: Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: More on Understanding "Hide The Decline"
Berman Post: A NASA ClimateGate?
Berman Post: Another ClimateGate at Darwin Zero?
Berman Post: McAleer Booted For Asking a Tough Question, Again
Berman Post: 'Hockey Stick Graph' in Context
Berman Post: Lord Monckton Debates a Greenpeace Campaigner (Global Warming)
Berman Post: More Temperature Adjustments Controversy - Nashville Tennessee
Berman Post: Public Climate Research Data Being Taken Offline
Berman Post: Lord Monckton 'Pwned' by a Sticker Being Placed on His Back
Berman Post: Another Climate Denier 'Pwned' Hit With a Flying Object During Live Interview
Berman Post: Russian IEA Claims CRU Tampered With Climate Data
Berman Post: Mic Gets Cut For Trying to Ask Gore a Question
Berman Post: Obama at The Copenhagen Climate Conference