DTools.net is a website with a few useful and/or interesting features. Perhaps the best are its collection of text art generators along with its text art collection. Their collection can be found at
What if you want to make your own, but you either are not text-based artistically inclined or simply do not have the time? Not a problem as long as you have a picture of what ever you want the text picture to look like. All you need to do is go to
dtools.net/img2ascii, upload your picture, and choose from the many customization options if you want. Then click "Render" and wait to see what you end up with.
If you want to use characters to generate a word or phrase,
ascii.dtools.net will make it for you automatically. Just type the phrase you want and set the with. You can then chose from a wide selection of variations.
One of my favorites is called "doh" slightly modified. The modification is to add and extra space between the letters. An example using
Berman Post follows. Given screen size restrictions, "Berman" is broken up into two pieces. If the text picture does not look clear, disregard it and head over to the site to create your own example(s).
BB:::::B B:::::B
B::::B B:::::B eeeeeeeeeeee rrrrr rrrrrrrrr
B::::B B:::::B ee::::::::::::ee r::::rrr:::::::::r
B::::BBBBBB:::::B e::::::eeeee:::::ee r:::::::::::::::::r
B:::::::::::::BB e::::::e e:::::e rr::::::rrrrr::::::r
B::::BBBBBB:::::B e:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r r:::::r
B::::B B:::::B e:::::::::::::::::e r:::::r rrrrrrr
B::::B B:::::B e::::::eeeeeeeeeee r:::::r
B::::B B:::::B e:::::::e r:::::r
BB:::::BBBBBB::::::B e::::::::e r:::::r
B:::::::::::::::::B e::::::::eeeeeeee r:::::r
B::::::::::::::::B ee:::::::::::::e r:::::r
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB eeeeeeeeeeeeee rrrrrrr
mmmmmmm mmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaa nnnn nnnnnnnn
mm:::::::m m:::::::mm a::::::::::::a n:::nn::::::::nn
m::::::::::mm::::::::::m aaaaaaaaa:::::a n::::::::::::::nn
m::::::::::::::::::::::m a::::a nn:::::::::::::::n
m:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::m aaaaaaa:::::a n:::::nnnn:::::n
m::::m m::::m m::::m aa::::::::::::a n::::n n::::n
m::::m m::::m m::::m a::::aaaa::::::a n::::n n::::n
m::::m m::::m m::::m a::::a a:::::a n::::n n::::n
m::::m m::::m m::::m a::::a a:::::a n::::n n::::n
m::::m m::::m m::::m a:::::aaaa::::::a n::::n n::::n
m::::m m::::m m::::m a::::::::::aa:::a n::::n n::::n
mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm aaaaaaaaaa aaaa nnnnnn nnnnnn
P::::::::::::::::P ttt:::t
P::::::PPPPPP:::::P t:::::t
PP:::::P P:::::P t:::::t
P::::P P:::::P ooooooooooo ssssssssss ttttttt:::::ttttttt
P::::P P:::::P oo:::::::::::oo ss::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t
P::::PPPPPP:::::P o:::::::::::::::o ss:::::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t
P:::::::::::::PP o:::::ooooo:::::o s::::::ssss:::::s tttttt:::::::tttttt
P::::PPPPPPPPP o::::o o::::o s:::::s ssssss t:::::t
P::::P o::::o o::::o s::::::s t:::::t
P::::P o::::o o::::o s::::::s t:::::t
P::::P o::::o o::::o ssssss s:::::s t:::::t tttttt
PP::::::PP o:::::ooooo:::::o s:::::ssss::::::s t::::::tttt:::::t
P::::::::P o:::::::::::::::o s::::::::::::::s tt::::::::::::::t
P::::::::P oo:::::::::::oo s:::::::::::ss tt:::::::::::tt
PPPPPPPPPP ooooooooooo sssssssssss ttttttttttt