Friday, July 24, 2009

Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-One)

Update (7/24/2009):Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty-Two). End of Update:

[I am not sure what happened last night, but this post failed to publish. It was not much a news day though so you did not miss much]

An International campaign to close down the Iranian Embassies around the world (

Clinton says Iran is unable to respond to our overtures because of the turmoil (!? Seriously? Apparently murdering unarmed protesters is getting in the way of the Iranians giving the order to stop the research on developing nuclear weapons. The Obama administration's response to the revolution in Iran is really just sad.

A list of Arab Human Rights Organization signing a statement in solidarity with the Iranian protesters; "We, the undersigned human rights organizations and advocates from the Arab region, express our utter condemnation of all forms of brutal repression undertaken by the Iranian authorities against large masses of the Iranian people involved in peaceful demonstrations and protests against the course and outcome of the Iranian presidential elections. The repressive acts led to the death of dozens and the detention of thousands, including members of political opposition, journalists, workers, people involved in civil society organizations, as well as human rights defenders. The detainees have been subject to different forms of maltreatment and torture intended to force them to make condemning confessions or to give statements to be broadcast by the state media to distort the image of the popular uprising. The Iranian government has used the latter statements to support its fallacious claim that any dissonance or upheaval around the elections is merely the result of a foreign ploy to target Iran.
We urge Iranian authorities to learn from the region’s bitter lessons. We look forward to the day when the government of Iran respects the rights of its citizens to freely express their opinions and peacefully assemble. Immediate measures should be taken to defuse the current crisis. Specifically,

* The government must release all detainees arrested since the post-election crisis began, and conduct fair investigations concerning claims of torture and ill-treatment. Perpetrators of such human rights violations must be prosecuted by Iranian courts.
* The Basij militia, or plainclothes vigilantes, widely used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to terrorize and brutalize the population into submission must be dissolved.
* Independent investigations should be conducted concerning cases of likely extra-judicial murders and death sentences. International human rights missions should be allowed to enter the country as a first step to combat impunity with respect to crimes that have been committed.
* Journalists and human rights defenders must be allowed to carry out their work unhindered, and government-ordered interruptions and surveillance of phone and internet communications must be halted.

Signatory Organizations:

1. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies.
2. Alnadim Center for Treatment and Psychological Rehabilitation for Victims of Violence – Egypt.
3. Alternative Development Studies Center – Egypt.
4. Amman Center for Human Rights Studies.
5. Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies.
6. Arab Penal Reform Organization – Egypt.
7. Association for Human Rights Legal Aid – Egypt.
8. Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates – Tunisia.
9. Bahrain Center for Human Rights.
10. Committees for the Defense of Democracy Freedom and Human Rights – Syria.
11. Conseil National Pour Les Libertés En Tunisie – Tunisia.
12. Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies.
13. Democratic Development Foundation – Egypt.
14. Egyptian Child’s Rights Center.
15. Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
16. El-Khiam Rehabilitation Center – Lebanon.
17. Filastiniyat Organization – Palestine
18. Group for Human Rights Legal Aid – Egypt.
19. Hesham Mubarak Law Center – Egypt.
20. Human Rights Information and Training Center – Yemen.
21. International Institute for Women’s Solidarity – Jordan.
22. Land Center for Human Rights – Egypt.
23. Libyan League for Human Rights.
24. National Observatory for the Freedom of Press, Publishing and Creation – Tunisia.
25. National Organization for Human Right – Syria.
26. New Women Research Center – Egypt.
27. Organisation marocaine des droits de l’homme – Morocco.
28. Palestinian Human Rights Organization – Lebanon.
29. Sisters Arab forum for Human Rights – Yemen.
30. Syrian Organization for Human Rights – Syria.
31. The Arab Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession – Egypt.
32. The Arab Network for Human Rights Information – Egypt.
33. The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists
34. The Bahrain Human Rights Society
35. The Centre for Trade Union and Workers’ Services – Egypt.
36. The Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement.
37. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights.
38. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
39. The Human association for Human Rights – Iraq.
40. Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture – Palestine.
41. Yemeni Observatory for Human Rights.
42. Yemeni Organization for Defending Rights and Democratic Freedom.
" (

Past related posts:
Berman Post: Iranian Election Viewed as Rigged
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Riots Continue
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Three)
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Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest at Union Square (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Six)
Berman Post: Prayer Vigil For The Fallen Iranian Protesters (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Ten)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eleven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twelve)
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Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Sixteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Seventeen)
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Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nineteen)
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Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-One)
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Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Nine)
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Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Six)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Forty)

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