Products that are sold at Wal-Mart may soon have 'green tags'. These green tags will let costumers know the full environmental impact the product will have over the course of its 'life' (from creation to disposal). At least that is the idea. Even without knowing the exact details, there is concern that it will raise the prices of goods.
"Wal-Mart Stores Inc. unveiled an environmental labeling program for the products it carries, in a step that could redefine the design and makeup of consumer goods sold around the globe but also boost costs for suppliers and customers.
Wal-Mart Thursday will tell suppliers they must calculate and disclose the full environmental costs of making their products, then allow Wal-Mart to distill the information into a rating system that shoppers will see alongside prices for everything from T-shirts to televisions.
Consumers are not likely to see the first labels for years. The company estimated it could take a half decade or longer, although outside experts involved in the project said it could start sooner, perhaps as early as 2011. What the labels will look like and exactly what they will attempt to illustrate has yet to be determined.
The most immediate impact of Wal-Mart's latest drive will be felt by its 100,000 suppliers, which will bear the costs of the company's environmental mandates, at a time in which many are struggling economically. Wal-Mart said it was premature to estimate the cost to suppliers. ...
Wal-Mart insisted there will be no exemptions. Asked what relationship Wal-Mart would maintain with suppliers that don't supply the data, Chief Merchandising Officer John Fleming said bluntly, "We probably don't have one.""
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