Thursday, July 16, 2009

Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Four)

Update (7/17/2009):Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Five). End of Update:

Official state media admits that Gholam Reza Aghazadeh resigned. The BBC focuses on his position as Nuclear Chief ( I agree with Ed Morrissey that the more significant position Aghazadeh resigned from is as Vice President ( A new Nuclear Chief will not be hard to come by, but the legitimacy issues of the vice president wanting nothing to do with the administration is much harder to fix.

Not only will Moussavi to attend Friday prayers, but he may speak as well (

The "Minister of Intelligence, media, warn Rafsanjani against supporting the “enemy”" ahead of the Friday prayer ( It also appears that "Hardliners mobilizing to disrupt Rafsanjani’s sermon" (

Protesters appear to be keeping their spirits up (

Ahmadinejad had some choice words for the west; "Iranian leaders often refer to the United States and its allies as the "global arrogance."

"As soon as the new government is established, with power and authority, ten times more than before, it will enter the global scene and will bring down the global arrogance," he told a big crowd in the northeastern city of Mashhad.

"They should wait as a new wave of revolutionary thinking ... from the Iranian nation is on the way and we will not allow the arrogant (powers) to even have one night of good sleep," Ahmadinejad said, according to state broadcaster IRIB.
"But I have told the enemies ... that this nation ... will strike you in the face so hard you will lose your way home," he said in comments translated by English-language Press TV.
" ( Do not worry, I sure he will not use those peaceful nukes he is working on.

Taraneh, the girl reported on yesterday, was likely murdered as well; "We passed along a story yesterday about Taraneh, a twenty-eight year old Iranian girl who had been arrested at a protest on June 28th and who, subsequently, had allegedly been raped by Iranian security forces. Reports are now indicating that the burnt body of someone matching Taraneh's description has been found between the cities of Karaj and Ghazvin, about 2-3 hours north-east of Tehran. Below, is an account from the newspaper "Iranian Leftist," on Taraneh's death, featuring an interview with one of her close friends.

"Taraneh M, the young woman we reported on two days ago has been murdered. She is neither the first nor the last victim of rape by security agents in the course of the one-month-uprising of the Iranian people.
" (

In previous days I have reported on Israel moving assets potentially 'in to position'. It could be preparation, or just sending a message. Either way, they are doing it again now rehearsing for an attack on Iran in the Red Sea (

Satellites being taken off roofs by government forces; ""Police authorities are carrying out a broad campaign to gather satellites from the roofs of homes and this campaign comes after a new list published by the Chief Judge, Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi, who believes that these satellites are sometimes used in crimes that target Iran." ( I do not think anyone believes the rational of preventing "crimes". This is clearly to further restrict communication in an attempt to clamp down on the protesters.

Human Rights Watch said; "Iran's government should withdraw new regulations that severely limit the independence of the Iranian Bar Association and would give the government control over a lawyer's right to practice" ( Basically, stop using the legal system/framework as a tool to suppress the protesters.

Tips for those planing on attending the prayer service on Friday at

Past related posts:
Berman Post: Iranian Election Viewed as Rigged
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Riots Continue
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Protest at Union Square (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Six)
Berman Post: Prayer Vigil For The Fallen Iranian Protesters (NYC)
Berman Post: Iranian Election Fraud Riots (Day Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Ten)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eleven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twelve)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fourteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Fifteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Sixteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Seventeen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Eighteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Nineteen)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Three)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Four)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Five)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Six)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Seven)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Eight)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Twenty-Nine)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-One)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Two)
Berman Post: Iranian Revolution (Day Thirty-Three)

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