Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Ted Kennedy (D) Died

Massachusetts senator Ted Kennedy lost his battle with a brain tumor yesterday, dieing at the age of 77. He served for the better part of five decades, eclipsing all but two other senators in time served. He was dubbed the 'lion of the senate' for the work he did on liberal and democratic causes.

"Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the liberal lion of the Senate, has died after battling a brain tumor. He was 77.

Kennedy's family announced his death in a brief statement released early Wednesday.

For nearly a half-century in the Senate, Kennedy was a dominant voice on health care, civil rights, war and peace, and more. To the American public, though, he was best known as the last surviving brother of a storied political family.

Kennedy was elected to the Senate in 1962, when his brother John was president, and served longer than all but two senators in history.


  1. After this man has passed away it is AMAZING to see how much the media loved this guy. Going as far as calling him an American hero and patriot. Did everyone forget this immoral bastard murdered a young girl and left her there to die without reporting it until after authorities found her dead body the next day? It really disgusts me how quickly people forget about an innocent life that was taken away by some pig of a man that has no consideration for human life.

  2. The media has loved him for a long time because of his liberal views and goals. I do not think people have really forgotten about chappaquiddick, just do not want to kick a man while he is dead. Most of the reports I have seen did at least mention it.


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