Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gmail Blog - Sender Time Zone Info

A new feature in Gmail labs helps people out with potentially tricky time zone issues. Anyone who has traveled or had friends/family travel knows they have to be aware of time zones. It might be the middle of the day for you, but it could be the middle of the night for them. Emailing people is not nearly as bad as calling them when they are sleeping. Some people have their email forwarded to their phone, but the point remains. Gmail's new lab feature helps you figure out if the person who's email you are reading might be asleep. If it is between 9am and 6pm email sender's time you will see a little green phone icon. If no, you will see a little red phone icon. By clicking on "show details" you can see what time the person sent you the email their time.

"There's a new feature in Gmail Labs called Sender Time Zone that can help. Turn it on from the Labs tab under Settings, and you'll see green phone icons next to people who are probably awake and readily reachable (if it's between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm in the sender's local time zone) and red ones next to those who could be sleeping or out of the office:

Click "show details" and you can see when a message was sent in the sender's time zone as well as what time it is for them now:

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