Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Million Strong?

I just left the NYC Tax Day Tea Party (mobile update). Heading to dinner with my father now, but wanted to give some quick thoughts.

3000+ people! The crowd was massive, I could not even see everyone from my vantage. Pictures to follow soon.

So what is with the "One Million Strong"? With at least 2500 Tea Parties, if there is an average 400 people at each that means One Million protesters hit the street today. We did our part in NYC and can help cover some of the smaller rallies.

Update: I just posted the pictures of the event which can be found at Berman Post: NYC Tax Day Tea Party.

Update (4/16/2009): 3,000+; the NYPD estimated 12,500 people at the protest.

Update (4/16/2009) 2: Berman Post: Tax Day Tea Party Turn Out

1 comment:

  1. OKC had at least 5,000 in attendance today.

    Of course, this is a state where Obama didn't carry a single county in the election.


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