Friday, April 17, 2009

Follow up to CNN's Susan Roesgen Skewed Tax Day Tea Party Protest Interview

After CNN's Susan Roesgen skewed tax day tea party protest interview (first reported at Berman Post: Tax Day Tea Party Time), showed up on the scene with there cameras.

First the skewed interview.

Video embedded below.

Not family viewing; funny comment considering the grotesque amount of sexual references in the media reporting on the event including some from CNN (Berman Post: Tax Day Tea Party Media Coverage)

Then picks up the scene.

Video embedded below. (From

It is kind of funny when she says to someone in the crowd that they do not need to be so antagonistic toward her.

It gets worse for Susan Roesgen. After that interview aired, someone people went digging through some of her past reports. Turns out that when the protesters are liberal, she take a much different tone with them.

Video embedded below.

But wait you say, surly if she saw a liberal comparing Bush to Hitler she would have reacted the same way she did when she saw someone comparing Obama to Hitler. Well, not so much. Apparently according to Roesgen, someone dressed as a cross between Bush, Hitler, and Satan is a Bush "look alike". No appreciable outrage could be detected from Roesgen. Picture available at the source.

"Susan Roesgen: "City officials aren’t the only ones wondering when federal money will materialize. Catholic school girls marched on Jackson Square. They and their teachers say more money is needed to fix the levees, and they hoped the President would stop by after his meeting with business leaders. But while a look-alike showed up with a wad of cash, Mr. Bush did not." Real Player or Windows Media" (click on the Real Player of Windows Media to download the video)

It also appears that Roesgen really wanted to work for Fox News. A report says she was turned down twice by Fox News ( Could that explain her hostility toward that network?

Past related posts:
Berman Post: Rick Santelli Catch up
Berman Post: City Hall Tea Party Protest (NYC)
Berman Post: City Hall Tea Party Protest (NYC) Videos
Berman Post: The "Tea Party Conspiracy" Debunked
Berman Post: Beck Channels Thomas Paine For Tax Day Tea Parties
Berman Post: Tax Day Tea Party Time
Berman Post: One Million Strong?
Berman Post: NYC Tax Day Tea Party
Berman Post: Tea Bags Tossed on to The White House Lawn
Berman Post: Tax Day Tea Party Media Coverage
Berman Post: Tax Day Tea Party Turn Out

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