Sunday, August 9, 2009

Justice Sotomayor, Sotomayor Sworn in

Sotomayor took her oath and was sworn in as the next Supreme Court Justice.

"It's Justice Sotomayor now. Sonia Sotomayor has been sworn in as the Supreme Court's first Hispanic justice. She's only the third female justice in the court's 220-year history.

Sotomayor took the second of two oaths of office Saturday from Chief Justice John Roberts in an ornate conference room at the high court, beneath a portrait of the legendary Chief Justice John Marshall. She swore a first oath in a private ceremony minutes earlier.

Video embedded below.

Past Sotomayor posts:
Berman Post: Supreme Court Justice David Souter Will Retire
Berman Post: Obama Comments On Supreme Court Justice David Souter's Retirement
Berman Post: Specter's Defection May Hurt Obama in Picking a New Supreme Court Justice
Berman Post:
Berman Post: Obama Nominates Sonia Sotomayor For Supreme Court Justice
Berman Post: Is Sotomayor a Racist?
Berman Post: When Life Experience Apparently Matters (in Politics)
Berman Post: Harry Reid on Sotomayor - "She's Written Hundreds And Hundreds of Opinions. I Haven't Read a Single One of Them"
Berman Post: Sotomayor Made Other Sexist Comments
Berman Post: Aide To Sotomayor - "Don't Answer Any Questions", Sotomayor to Aide - "I Know"
Berman Post: Sotomayor Was a Member of La Raza For Six Years
Berman Post: Sotomayor's Senior Thesis
Berman Post: Sotomayor Repeatedly Made 'Wise Latino Woman' Statements
Berman Post: Sotomayor Questionnaire Omits Death Penalty Memo, Said Death Penalty Is Racist
Berman Post: Sotomayor And Liberalism (She Said She Does Not Know What Liberalism is After Calling Herself One)
Berman Post: Does Sotomayor's Past Shows a Propensity to be Swept Away by Radical Causes or Theories That Relate to Her Identity?
Berman Post: Sotomayor Fractures Her Ankle
Berman Post: Confirmation Hearings For Sotomayor Start July 13
Berman Post: Sotomayor - "I Am A Product Of Affirmative Action"
Berman Post: 300 New Boxes of Sotomayor's Work Discovered
Berman Post: Sotomayor's Ricci Decision Overruled by The Supreme Court
Berman Post: Public Support For Sotomayor Slipping
Berman Post: Sotomayor Helped Bork Bork
Berman Post: Tax 'Issues' For Sotomayor?
Berman Post: Sotomayor Supporters Trying to Smear Ricci
Berman Post: Public Support For Sotomayor Second-Lowest For a Supreme Court Nominee in 20 Year
Berman Post: Confirmation Hearing For Sotomayor Begin
Berman Post: Confirmation Hearing For Sotomayor - Day Two
Berman Post: Confirmation Hearing For Sotomayor - Day Three
Berman Post: Confirmation Hearing For Sotomayor - Day Four
Berman Post: Senate Judiciary Committee Delay Sotomayor Confirmation Vote For One Week
Berman Post: Senate Judiciary Committee Votes in Favor of Sotomayor
Berman Post: Sotomayor Confirmed by Senate 68 to 31


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am just confused how she can even be considered after her ruling in the appelate court allowing New Haven, CT. to throw out a promotional exam list because not enough minorities passed the exam, her decision was later overturned by the supreme court but yet she is now a justice for life......?


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