Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize

It was surprising that he was nominated (Berman Post: Obama Nominated For a Nobel Peace Prize), and it is even more surprising that he actually won. I do not think he should have one. Even thought I am not a Republican, I think that means I have thrown my lot with the terrorists (

Even Obama seemed surprised at the news.

Video embedded below. (from

Here is a round up of some of the reaction around the web.


"The award of this year’s Nobel peace prize to President Obama will be met with widespread incredulity, consternation in many capitals and probably deep embarrassment by the President himself.

Rarely has an award had such an obvious political and partisan intent. It was clearly seen by the Norwegian Nobel committee as a way of expressing European gratitude for an end to the Bush Administration

"The 1983 Laureate, Poland's Lech Walesa, was more blunt.

"Who, Obama? So fast? Too fast - he hasn't had the time to do anything yet,"

"Turn it down! Politely decline. Say he's honored but he hasn't had the time yet to accomplish what he wants to accomplish."

"Barack Obama can now proceed undistracted by thoughts of what he would need to do to win the Nobel Prize."

"Good grief... for what? This guy hasn't done a damn thing"

"Story of Obama’s life: “Rather than recognizing concrete achievement…”"

"At first I thought it was a joke. Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace prize? For What? I ran to check my calendar, no it wasn't April 1st... . They give the Nobel Peace Prize for running around the world and trashing your own country?"

"Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize: He’s Becoming Jimmy Carter Faster Than Jimmy Carter Did."

"I figured Mrs. Anger was kidding me when she woke me up screaming about the Teleprompter Kid winning a prize.

“For what?” I mumbled. “World’s Biggest Phoney”? “Worst Since Carter?”

Then she told me the Communist-in-Chief won that Nobel Peace Prize.

"Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize. No, really."

"Committee Wanted to Award Prize to Neville Chamberlain, But Since He Was Unavailable, Settled for Obama"

"I am generally a supporter of Barack Obama. I voted for him and campaigned in print for his election. However, as I turned on CNN early this morning and saw the news that he'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, I actually gasped in disbelief...

Why else give him the honor now? Whatever one might feel about Obama, he has not earned this singular award. Few American presidents have received it and of those who have it was bestowed after they'd been engaged in something special.

Michelle Obama deserves Peace Prize, too!

"Because nothing means anything anymore. Because good is evil and evil is good. Because we live in a morally bankrupt world.

Obama won what? This is embarrassing. Who's next?

"Nobel Peace Prize? Whiskey, Tango…"


UNREAL... For What?
Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize.

"WTF!!! Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize???"

"President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after only nine months on the job. It seems a tad premature, but is undoubtedly a token of the committee's high expectations for what is to come."

"Yes, The World Has Lost Its Mind
Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? Peace in Afghanistan? Peace in Iraq? Peace in the Middle East? Nope.

"THE MAN HASN'T DONE ANYTHING!! I can't believe this. Really, I can't. What a waste. One sensed this was just a worthless political award anymore. But this removes all doubt. If I were on the committee I'd be embarrassed. This is an absolute disgrace."

"What Exactly Did Barack Obama Do To Win A Nobel Peace Prize?"

"Obama Peace Prize Reaction

Mine was to burst out laughing.

"Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize - International Absurdity"

"Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize, Joins Illustrious Ranks of Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat and Al Gore"

"There was a time when the Nobel Peace Prize meant something. It went to men and women who earned their stature with lives of courage such as Andrei Sakharov who openly opposed the oppression of the former Soviet Union and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who gave his life for the cause of equality in which he believed.

Giving the prize to Barack Hussein Obama has rendered it a joke.

"A prize President Obama earned, the Nobel Committee claims, for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples"

This will no doubt come as great comfort to the democracy protesters in Iran, the oppressed citizens of North Korea, the Afghan women being beaten by the Taliban, and the people of Poland, the Czech Republic, Georgia, etc., feeling the hot breath of the growling Russian bear. They’re all basking in that Obama-inspired “peace.”

"The Nobel Committee has officially gone off the rails in its quest for new adventures in smug Leftie nonsense. Even The One's most delusional acolytes are going to have a hard time defending this with a straight face."

Another round up at and

More at:

Update: Some 'snark' from Reason TV and Berman Post: Obama Receiving The Nobel Peace Prize - Unconstitutional?

Update (10/10/2009): Nobel Peace Prize Meant as Political Manipulation?

1 comment:

  1. What's so surprising?

    He deserves it more than Yassir Arafat did. Unlike Arafat, Obama has done absolutely NOTHING to overtly increase the level of violence in the world. (inaction in prevention isn't the same thing as Arafat did by any means)

    And he's been no more incompetent so far than Jimmy Carter was as PotUS or, more critically, since that time.

    That's not to say I think he should have gotten it, it's just calling to mind the fact that Those In Charge of the NPP have already quite adequately demonstrated that they are complete raving lunatics...

    I am neither stunned nor aghast. The award means absolutely nothing and hasn't in decades.

    I'd be far more stunned and amazed if someone they gave it to actually deserved it.


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