Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama Administration Reverses itself; Missile Shield in Poland Back on

In a word; Great! Slightly more drawn out; good decision now, but should not have scrapped the initial plan in the first place.

You may remember I had this to say when Russia balked at new tough sanctions against Iran; What was the point of scrapping the Eastern European Missile Defense Shield? You know, the missile shield that Russia wants further retreat on. The shield Russia wanted us to drop despite having their own on the North Korea border. The shield Obama hinted he would drop if Russia promised to help us with Iran, Russia said no, Obama publicly made the offer, and without getting a commitment scrapped anyway. A shield which we really need.

Well, it appears that the Obama administration is reversing the last decision and going forward with ground base missile interceptors on Polish soil.

"The Obama administration reached a new agreement Wednesday with top Polish government officials to place a new generation of missile interceptors on Polish soil, a surprising turnabout from just a few weeks earlier when it appeared the United States was ready to abandon its missile defense program in Eastern Europe.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk emerged from a lengthy private discussion to announce that Poland's participation in the missile defense system was, essentially, back on -- though in a new format that involves delivering a smaller number of defensive weapons in 2018.

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