Friday, October 16, 2009

Family of "Balloon Boy" Speak

The family of the six year old "Balloon Boy", who was hiding in his house, spoke to the media. It is good to see the family together and that they boy is safe. All of these media statements are making some people lean toward thinking it was a publicity stunt, something the family strongly denies.

Video embedded below.

"A couple of suspicious items… first, the father manages to get in a plug or two for his “inventions,” which is weird for a dad who just moments earlier thought his son might have fallen to his death. Also, these people were on “Wife Swap” — so I won’t be surprised if there’s not a lot more to this than we now know. My “attention whore” antenna is raised.

But for the day in general, there’s this via Hot Air: Here’s Twitterer Dark Knight who sums it up the best: “Anyone else think the whole nation fascinated by a hot air balloon that turned out to be empty just might be a little symbolic?”

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