Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chimpanzee Tries to Rape a Female Zoo Keeper in Russia

A female zoo keeper in Rostov Zoo (Russia) said that a chimpanzee name Otello tried to rape her. Valentina Kirilova was trying to give the animal a banana, but instead of taking the food Otello grabbed her hand. After dragging her into the cage, the chimpanzee began to try to rape her. Valentina's screams alerted other staff who ran to her aid. Valentina had to be treated for shock and a broken wrist.

More at

Past Chimpanzee Violence posts:
Berman Post: Chimpanzee Rips Victim's Face Off
Berman Post: Chimp Attack Victim Update


  1. i envy the zookeeper. she got such a wonderful chance for an ecstatic sexual encounter with a giant chimpanzee. I really would have enjoyed it.

  2. I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that their is a language barrier that is disrupting your attempt at satire; which I am assuming intern is some sort of commentary on the exploitation of animals in zoos.

    I suppose it could also be genuine, but I prefer to not think about that.

    Hopefully this is not just an attempt at humor, because rape jokes are not funny.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It seems to me that in this case the chimp was doing the perverting.


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