Pictures embedded below.
Here is a wider shot of the table selling Obama memorabilia.
Here is the same shot zoomed in on the 'Obama dollar bills'.
Past ACORN posts (reverse chronological order):
Berman Post: New York Times Confirms They Spiked a Major Obama-ACORN Story Before The Election?
Berman Post: Glenn Beck Interviews Two ACORN Employee Whistleblowers
Berman Post: Glenn Beck Interviews Scott Levenson (ACORN Spokesman)
Berman Post: Former ACORN Employee - 'More Than Half Voter Registrations Invalid'
Berman Post: Megyn Kelly Interviews Scott Levenson (ACORN Spokesman)
Berman Post: ACORN to Participate in The 2010 Census
Berman Post: Stuart Varney Rips ACORN Chief to Shreds Over Reclaiming Foreclosed Homes
Berman Post: ACORN Breaks Into Foreclosed Home
Berman Post: Birth Control Cut From Bailout, ACORN Funds Still There
Berman Post: Obama on Voter Fraud
Berman Post: Voter Fraud vs Voter Registration Fraud - Who Cares
Berman Post: "ACORN" - John McCain Ad
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