Just like anti-war groups that seem to change their tune based on the party in office, I have little respect for Hollywood actors that do the same. That is why I did not bother to post the original until I saw the parody.
Real video first then parody.
Videos embedded below. (Real from http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/breitbart/2009/01/19/where-were-you-celebrities-after-911 and fake from http://buzzkillcomedy.com/index.php/2009/01/26/the-pledge-for-obama-and-america-part-2.)
MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge
Update (1/28/2009): Another video parody of sorts, this one by Alfonzo Rachel.
Video embedded below. (From http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/arachel/2009/01/28/the-pledge)
Update (1/29/2009):
Pledge broken already?
Thanks for posting. I wonder if these "I Pledge" Celebs will stick to their "pledges" when their taxes get hiked. LoL