Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Presidents Past Present And Future Gather For Lunch

All of the former United States presidents and the future president attended a lunch hosted by current president Bush. This rare gathering of all the living presidents has not happened in almost three decades. The last time it happened was in 1981. No cameras were allowed in while they were eating, but the media was given a photo op in the Oval Office. To see the video go to

"President-elect Barack Obama hailed a rare Oval Office gathering of all U.S. presidents as an extraordinary event on Wednesday as the current occupant, President George W. Bush, reminded his predecessors and successor that the office "transcends the individual."
All the presidents were last at the White House in 1981: Richard Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan, who was president then. The three former presidents were there before leaving as part of the U.S. delegation to the funeral of Egypt's Anwar Sadat, who had been assassinated.

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