Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Coup Attempted In Qatar?

The thought is this might have something to do with a disagreement on the handling of the situation in Iran and foreign policy generally. It is still not clear that this was an attempted Coup, but if it was it has failed.

http://www.thememriblog.org/blog_personal/en/18791.htm (via http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/34356_Military_Coup_Attempt_in_Qatar)

"Various Arab websites are reporting on the sudden firing of senior Qatari military officials after they staged a failed coup attempt.

According to the report on the liberal Saudi website Alssiyasi, Qatar's chief of staff Hamad bin Ali Al-Attiya might also have been involved in the coup attempt.

1 comment:

  1. Absolute speculation. I don't know how anyone can believe an Elaph report - as they say from a seed, it produces a dome.
    A small tribal mash-up with some junior officers involved does NOT equal a coup.


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