Monday, February 9, 2009

"…It’s not a stimulus package, it’s not pork! It’s a job patronage system…"

"…It’s not a stimulus package, it’s not pork! It’s a job patronage system…"! If this is true its presents a freighting prospect. The notion that the Democrats are using this economic crisis to lodge them selves into a permanent majority. I tend to lean more toward the pork side of the scale with some thank yous to their constituents. The measure for me will be in the timing of the spending. The more front loaded it is (within the first year) the more I will believe that it is intended as stimulus. Major spending in the middle zone (two to three years) the more pork like it will appear. Significant spending in year four from this bill would have me more considered about the political intent behind it.

Video embedded below. (From

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