Monday, September 21, 2009

Power Line Blog Defends James O'Keefe

James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, the pair who shot the undercover video of ACORN causing all of the recent controversy, have come under smear attacks. Hannah's father stepped in to refute some of the claims and poke fun at the accusers (Berman Post: Doug Giles Talks About His Daughter's ACORN Expose). Power Line Blog writer Scott Johnson is now stepping in as well demanding answers from some of the people putting out the smears.

"James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles are the young activists who have blown the lid off the criminal left-wing enterprise known as ACORN. If they were left-wingers exposing some conservative or religious organization, government-funded or not, the mainstream media would have hailed them as heroic whistleblowers, perhaps worthy of a Time cover. Instead, the media are doing their damndest to slime them.
The Post implies that there is something to the suggestion that O'Keefe and Giles's work was not done independently: "O'Keefe insists that he and Giles's work was done independently and rejects liberal suggestions that the videos were bankrolled by conservative organizations. He does, however, acknowledge receiving help and advice from a conservative columnist and Web entrepreneur."
More nefariously, the Post implies that O'Keefe and Giles worked with racist motivations
But did O'Keefe say any such thing? The Washington Post reporters imply the existence of a statement that is nowhere quoted. The AP takes the cue and puts the words in O'Keefe's mouth. It's quite a racket they've got going here, and someone really should call them on it.

Past related posts: (see ACORN label for the latest)
Berman Post: ACORN Employees in Baltimore Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Child Prostitution
Berman Post: ACORN Employees in DC Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Prostitution
Berman Post: Coverage of ACORN's Latest Scandal
Berman Post: Census Bureau Cuts Ties With ACORN
Berman Post: People Facing Prosecution in ACORN Scandal Are ... The People Who Exposed Them!?!
Berman Post: Complete Audio of ACORN Employees in DC Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Prostitution
Berman Post: ACORN Employees in NY Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Prostitution
Berman Post: Patricia Jessamy, The Person Who Decides Who to Prosecute in The ACORN Scandal, is an Avid Obama Supporter / Contributor
Berman Post: Johanns Amendment #2355 to H.R. 3288 Passes - Senate Votes to Defunds ACORN Housing
Berman Post: Lack of ACORN Scandal Coverage in MSM, And Obama's Connection to ACORN
Berman Post: ACORN Was Operating Illegally in Maryland?
Berman Post: ACORN Employee in San Bernardino (California) Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Prostitution
Berman Post: RICO Charges Warranted Against ACORN?
Berman Post: Jon Stewart Skewers The Main Stream Media Over Ignoring ACORN Controversy
Berman Post: ACORN Employee in San Bernardino (California) Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Prostitution (Part Two)
Berman Post: Andrew Cuomo And Christine Quinn Moving to Freeze ACORN (NY) Funding Pending an Investigation
Berman Post: ACORN Orders a Halt to Any New Intakes Into ACORN's Service Programs Pending Completion of an Independent Review
Berman Post: Gibbs Calls ACORN Employees' Conduct "Completely Unacceptable"
Berman Post: ACORN Employee in San Diego (California) Give Advice to Pimp on Human Trafficking And Prostitution
Berman Post: ACORN Employee in San Bernardino (California) Give Advice to Pimp on Tax Evasion And Prostitution (Part Three)
Berman Post: ACORN Employee in San Diego (California) Give Advice to Pimp on Human Trafficking And Prostitution (Video)
Berman Post: House Passes H R 3221 by a Vote of 345-75 to Defund ACORN
Berman Post: "ACORN’s Internal Audit is a Sham"
Berman Post: Leno Skewers ACORN
Berman Post: Minnesota Governor Orders Stop All ACORN Funding
Berman Post: "ACORN Funded Prostitution Zone"
Berman Post: Breitbart - 'Release Method of ACORN Videos Designed to Show Lying / Corrupt ACORN And Media
Berman Post: Doug Giles Talks About His Daughter's ACORN Expose
Berman Post: Obama is For an Investigation Into ACORN, Says it is Something he Has Not Followed Closely
Berman Post: Bertha Lewis on Fox News Sunday

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