Facebook on Thursday announced that members can now link to other members' profiles in their status messages by using the @ symbol. The move is clearly inspired by the popularity of Twitter's "@-replies."
This new feature basically means that you can link to the profiles of your friends and other pages on Facebook, and that your friends will be informed when they've been tagged. It's currently rolling out to members' profiles.
Engineer Tom Occhino explains it in a post on the Facebook blog:
Now, when you are writing a status update and want to add a friend's name to something you are posting, just include the "@" symbol beforehand. As you type the name of what you would like to reference, a drop-down menu will appear that allows you to choose from your list of friends and other connections, including groups, events, applications, and (fan) pages.
The feature will soon expand to third-party services that let you update your Facebook status
"Past related posts:
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Berman Post: Facebook Getting a 'Twitter Like' Search
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Why is facebook trying to be a twitter now? Facebook used to be good before these Applications when it was just a college site to keep in touch.
ReplyDeleteYou have heard, 'if you cannot beat them, join them'. The reverse is also true, 'if you cannot join them, beat them'. Twitter has thus far refused to join with Facebook, so Facebook has set out to beat Twitter.