Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Predictions for the 2012 Election

As promised yesterday, it is time for me to post my predictions for the 2012 presidential election.

Republican Ticket:
Palin/Romney if Palin wants it. If she does not want to run Romney takes the top of the ticket and runs with Jindal.

Democratic Ticket:
This one depends on how Obama governs. If he is centrist, slightly left leaning, or surprisingly leans right, it will be Obama/Biden. If Obama instead lurches far to the left he will be unpopular enough (less then 30% approval rating) that Hillary Clinton will challenge him and win. This would result in the Clinton/Richardson ticket.

Election Day results:
Republican victory if running against Obama ticket by a safe margin.
Republican victory if running against Clinton ticket by a razor thin margin.


  1. Totally off...

    Yes, Biden is a nincompoop, but Obama will not drop him (just hide him). Hillary Clinton will not challenge a sitting president in her own party - no matter how much she dislikes him. Barring death or disgrace, it will be an Obama-Biden ticket for the Dems.

    For the Republicans - Palin is a non-starter. Though beloved as a conservative, she is very polarizing, has not finished out even one term as governor, and she just won't get through the primaries. Romney is the logical choice - and his economic expertise could have been of use this cycle, considering the mess the economy is in. Besides, Republicans tend to elect the first runner-up the next cycle. Now, for a VP running-mate: Jindal, perhaps. Pawlenty, perhaps. Or just maybe a ringer like General Petraeus?

  2. I agree with your prediction for the final outcome - a Republican 1980 all over again.

  3. Wow, you are completely delusional. Even if Obama does a mediocre job as President, he will still win 2012. Having said that, my prediction is that he will win by a landslide, picking up every state he won in 2008, plus Missouri, Arizona, and Georgia.

  4. The house is going to change hands again and it will do so resoundingly. The Dems have done such a poor job led by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as they attempt to force this healthcare reform down our throats(laden with enough additional gov spending and new taxes to keep us all in the rears for years to come) and it's coverage that wouldn't start until 2013 at the soonest, but the taxes for it start NOW. And, you would be required to purchase insurance from a "government approved" list of providers. If you don't purchase healthcare you would be fined. If you don't pay the fine you would go to JAIL!! This is considered fair by both Pelosi and Obama. I guess they think we're all cars now. And that is just one thing among many. Add to this the climbing deficit (Obama is now the record government spender of all time), a bailout that was forced through that would "save" our economy and keep unemployment at 8% (*cough* *cough* 10.2% and climbing) of which only 30% has been used. It was suppose to create jobs (create not "save and create.") Now there is talk of a 2nd bailout, falsified numbers for job creation in districts that don't exist (don't tell me that 39 states reporting falsified numbers is just accounting errors....that many people are not that incompetent). And let's not forget one of the Dems jewels, ACORN (anyone want to start a whorehouse with underage girls. They can get you the funding and show you how to doctor your taxes). And how is that responded too, with the threat of a lawsuit from ACORN...because they got caught. Now the WH social secretary will not testify on "party crashers" because it is a matter of security (that's what it's called now when you look "stupid".) The exact same thing the Bush admin used to say that Obama said he was going to do away with. Transperancy huh? Transparent as a lead lined brick wall. We are told that the economy is getting better when it's not. Obama comes on TV and says "we have to get a handle on government spending" then goes out and ...SPENDS MORE MONEY. This administration is paving the way for their loss of the House, the Senate and the WH. And I won't feel bad about it. I'm not a fan of socialism. If you think this administration is not pushing socialist ideals, then you spend too much time watching the party media (CNN, HLN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC). There will be no Obama landslide in 2012, unless we are voting with guns to our heads...which could be. Obama's comment on a "civilian security force" equal in strength, manpower and funding to our military. Mmmmm why?
    We have the National Guard and the stateside military for defense of our country inside our borders along with the police and we have the Coast Guard for protection of our shores. What do we need a "civilian security force" for? Things that make you go Mmmmm. No landslide for Obama. Likely no 2nd term either. I'd like to see a viable 3rd party. That's my thoughts. You can agree or not. That's the nice thing about this least for now.

  5. Mitt Romney will undoubtedly be the next president of the United States if he chooses to run. His VP, I hope, will be General David Petraeus.

  6. very well said!! (comment from 12/04/2009 3:49 AM)


  8. This is too funny. Republicans. They're cute. It's all ok though, they had to hear Democrats ream their President for 6 of 8 years (Justifiably) so I guess it's only fair that Republicans step up and complain. It would be more reasonable if it was based on any fact, but its ok, when there's nothing going wrong, you say what you can to get the left riled up. Go ahead GOP, have fun, enjoy yourselves, and sit back while Democrats show you how to actually recover a country after you handed it to us in such ruins. Oh, and by the way, we gave Bush 8 years to mess up the economy, and as it's a well-known fact that it takes longer to fix something than it does to break it, let’s give Barack more than a year and a half to fix it. Deal? Deal.

  9. Wow, a whole lot more wishful thinking than realistic assessment goes on here. The Republicans, with Tea party help will make substantial gains in the House and Senate as well as many Governors races. As a result of their gains there will be substantial gridlock in DC which will benefit te American pocketbook but trouble Wall Street. 2012 will be a contentious and deciding moment. America will be down on its luck and both Iraq and Afghanistan will continue to be pains in our side. What will be crucial and determine the outcome of 2012 is the war on terror and developments in Iran. If Obama manages to make substantial strides, perhaps kills or captures Bin Laden and is coorts, Obama is guaranteed a second term with a Clinton VP. If Obama has made no gains in the terror war and Iran is on the precipice of being a Nuclear Power, then it will be a Republican walk. Romney has lost his luster as a conservative, but as a financial wizard there is none better. Romney will get the nomination onl if he accepts a Tea party conservative like Bachmann or perhaps a dark horse in John Thune or Petraeus.
    My prediction
    Romney/Bachmann 57%
    Obama/Clinton 40
    Ron Paul.libertarian 3%

  10. Ron Paul all the way

  11. Palin will be the 45th president and I will take any betters from now until Nov. 2012.

  12. It is all about the economy, If unemployment stays at or above 9.0% and fule prices take off like they are talking about the democrats could be in seriuos trouble for a long time to come. Some of these posts are old but that idiot above talking the dems showing us how to really turn an economy around what a joke. He has probably choked to death and died on those words by now. 2 trillion was allocated and spent by Obama supposedly to rebuild the infrastructure and create tons of new jobs. I have yet to see one new bridge,road or construction project started or finished since all of this money was handed over. I definately have a feeling were going to see Senate hearings over the largest shell game ever played with tax payer money. Obama will have this on his back and a littany of broken campaign promises to deal with concerning transparency, bills being posted online for the people to review. Public hearings on CNN concerning policy on top of everything listed above. I dont even think the media which he controls 90% of can carry him in the wake of all this garbage and his VP adds absolutely no help to his cause. My prediction is 1 and done for Obama

  13. Ireally appreciate your "can do spirit", it's really cute. Do you REALLY think smart people are going to vote for an idiot like palin, bachmann or romney the mormon? I've got nothing against mormons but the southern baptists do and oops, there are two. Take away the fun touting bible belt who is divided and disillusioned and therefore weakened and you got nada. I live for the moment when you wake up each morning, yawn and stretch and then remember a black man is Your president.just like it ruins your racist sassy, it makes my mine. Sorry, I cannot hear you over the sound of my laughter =D

  14. HAHA! Yeah, I'm sure "smart" people will vote for Obama. And, I'm sure the only reason Obama got in office is because "smart" people voted for him.Think about it, he only has a 48% approval rating. Which means more than half of American voters disapprove of him. I guess more than half of America must be morons. And, I'm sorry, but are you saying that because he is black, we should all vote for him? Because, to me that is a racist comment. You should't see skin color- period- when making a decision about who will run our country. The fact that so many base there vote on the color of someone's skin (whether black or white) is racist and just plain stupid! That's what is wrong with this country today. People are so worried about making "history" that they forget about the well-being of our present and future. People aren't voting with common sense and reason. I'm not saying you should vote Republican, I'm just saying that you need actually put some thought into it. Think about what each candidate will bring to the table, and what they will do to help our country and our economy!! Because that is what "smart" people do when voting for the leader of their country!!

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