Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weekly Publishes Fake Palin Interview as Real

Whoops ... my guess is it is time for some better fact-checker's.

"US Weekly's website published a story (link since deleted) about Sarah Palin Wednesday that turned out to be a complete hoax.

The celebrity magazine posted a story claiming that Palin had slammed Christina Aguilera for her national anthem flub during Sunday's Super Bowl. The outlet attributed quotes to a Palin appearance on Sean Hannity's radio show. The only problem? They were completely made up.

The quotes came from a parody site called SuperTuesdayNews, GossipCop points out.

The fake Palin quotes, since deleted from, included the Alaska Republican calling the pop singer an "airhead diva" and telling Hannity that Aguilera "doesn't understand something so basic about America."

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