Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gibbs - 'Mubarak Needs to Start Tradition Out of Power Now'

After getting off to a rather murky start, Obama has come out full force for the removal of Mubarak from power.

"the White House underscored President Obama's call for Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to immediately begin his transition out of power.

Last night, Obama issued a brief public statement that included just one line about a prospective deadline for Mubarak's exit from power: "My belief is that an orderly transition must be meaningful, must be peaceful and it must begin now," Obama said.

But White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was more explicit Wednesday.

"'Now' means 'yesterday,'" Gibbs explained. "When we said 'now,' we meant 'yesterday'... that's what the people of Egypt want to see," Gibbs said, adding that a process that begins one week, one month, or many months from now won't suffice.

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