Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Resolution Condemning Joe Wilson (R) Passes 240-179

Representative Joe Wilson (R) has been censured by the House with a 'resolution of disapproval' for his outburst during President Obama's address to Congress on his health care plan (Berman Post: Obama Address Congress on Health Care Plan). Wilson had apologized immediately after the address, and a few more times after that, which was accepted by Obama. The vote was predominantly along party lines, but there were cross-overs on both sides.

Depending on your level of cynicism; either the Democrats are trying to change the subject with a temporary distraction, or truly believe that such behavior should be condemned even considering the apology-acceptance apparently having changed their mind's since it was people in their party with the inappropriate outbursts.

Here is the text of the resolution (;

"Whereas on September 9, 2009, during the joint session of Congress convened pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution 179, the President of the United States, speaking at the invitation of the House and Senate, had his remarks interrupted by the Representative from South Carolina, Mr. Wilson; and

Whereas the conduct of the Representative from South Carolina was a breach of decorum and degraded the proceedings of the joint session, to the discredit of the House: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives disapproves of the behavior of the Representative from South Carolina, Mr. Wilson, during the joint session of Congress held on September 9, 2009.

"A full list of Democrats and Republicans who crossed party lines on the Wilson vote.

How They Voted:

Democratic Nays (12)
Michael Arcuri (N.Y.)
William Delahunt (Mass.)
Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.)
Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.)
Paul Hodes (N.H.)
Dennis Kucinich (Ohio)
Dan Maffei (N.Y.)
Eric Massa (N.Y.)
Jim McDermott (Wash.)
Gwen Moore (Wis.)
Gene Taylor (Miss.)
Harry Teague (N.M.)

Democratic Presents (5)
Eliot Engel (N.Y.)
Bill Foster (Ill.)
Barney Frank (Mass.)
Carol Shea-Porter (N.H.)
Ike Skelton (Mo.)

Republican Yeas (7)
Joseph Cao (La.)
Jo Ann Emerson (Mo.)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Bob Inglis (S.C.)
Walter Jones (N.C.)
Tom Petri (Wis.)
Dana Rohrabacher (Calif.)

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