Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wall Street Journal - 'Franken Stole The Election'

Yesterday, Franken (D) officially won his Senate race against Coleman giving the Democrats 60 seats in the Senate (Berman Post: Coleman Concedes, Franken Wins Senate Seat, Democratic Super Majority). Today the Wall Street Journal basically accused him of stealing the election.

"The Minnesota Supreme Court yesterday declared Democrat Al Franken the winner of last year's disputed Senate race, and Republican incumbent Norm Coleman's gracious concession at least spares the state any further legal combat. The unfortunate lesson is that you don't need to win the vote on Election Day as long as your lawyers are creative enough to have enough new or disqualified ballots counted after the fact.

Mr. Franken trailed Mr. Coleman by 725 votes after the initial count on election night, and 215 after the first canvass. The Democrat's strategy from the start was to manipulate the recount in a way that would discover votes that could add to his total. The Franken legal team swarmed the recount, aggressively demanding that votes that had been disqualified be added to his count, while others be denied for Mr. Coleman.
What Mr. Franken understood was that courts would later be loathe to overrule decisions made by the canvassing board, however arbitrary those decisions were. He was right. ... Mr. Coleman didn't lose the election. He lost the fight to stop the state canvassing board from changing the vote-counting rules after the fact.
Mr. Franken now goes to the Senate having effectively stolen an election. If the GOP hopes to avoid repeats, it should learn from Minnesota that modern elections don't end when voters cast their ballots. They only end after the lawyers count them.

1 comment:

  1. So what now? Two can play the same game but that is not honest or doesn't that matter anymore? It seems that you must be a crook to get elected, you must lie on your positions, and be generally dishonest making back room deals and quid pro quo agreements, and it's all legal because after all its only politics.


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