Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time Square (NYC) Tea Party Protest

I went to the Tea Party Protest today in Time Square (NYC). It was organized by ( Despite some repeat signs advertising for that organization, I believe it to have been a genuine grassroots protest and it is not a close call (Berman Post: Grassroots vs Astroturf - How to Tell The Movements Apart).

I saw a few people on Twitter ( calling for infiltration and false flag activities at the Tea Party Protest, but I did not see anyone at the event actually do that. My turnout estimate is somewhere between 600-700, but I heard other people estimate that up to 1,000 people turned out. I was unable to get a shot from above, so for you to judge you will have to use the following two pictures. They do not include everyone, but it was the best I could do. The first one is toward the stage and expends out to the sides beyond the picture. The second one is from the same location as the first looking back. The crowd extends slightly past those large flags. Obviously also not shown are the people directly to my sides. As I said, not that good, but it was the best I could do. I saw some people taking pictures from the stage and passing tour buses so if you can find those photos they would make for better crowd estimates.

As usual, some of the better pictures are included below. A link to the rest of the photo album will be under that. Please link to this page (not the photo album) if you wish to use this post or show your readers the pictures (Thanks in advanced). No video this time because I was not in a good position and was focusing on getting shots of the signs. A number of people in the front appeared to be video taping the whole thing. I will try to find one of them and update this post with the link/video. If you find one first, please let me know by commenting with the location.

All 170 pictures at There are a few duplicates their, but I would rather have more than one picture of a sign than miss a poster.

For past Tea Party Protest coverage, head to

Update (7/2/2009): A few nice crowd shots as well as some pictures of the speakers at tracked down a number of other people taking pictures and reporting on the Tea Party Protest.
Here are the sites they found:

No video of the speeches yet but I have not given up.

Update (7/3/2009): Links to videos of the speakers at


  1. I notice , that although this took place in the most racially and ethically diverse city in the world 98% of the participants were WHITE
    Yep very inclusive message

    Delroy is a man of color. Check out Delroy Murdock Speaks to Janeane Garofalo - NYC Tea Party on youtube

  3. William,

    It is an inclusive message. People had a choice to come. They were not rounded up by unionized labor or community organization paying for their presence.

  4. William Lopez said...
    I notice , that although this took place in the most racially and ethically diverse city in the world 98% of the participants were WHITE
    Yep very inclusive message

    Since this was a tax protest, Would you care to estimate which ethnic group pays 98% of the taxes in this country?

    Hint: ACORN doesn't recruit them heavily.

  5. I've seen hundreds of black people at these protests. Quite a few more than the anti-war protests under Bush as a matter of fact. Was that a "white issue" too W. Lopez?

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