Pentago is best described as Tic-Tac-Toe for adults. The game play has a similar goal, namely to get a certain number of pieces in a row. For Pentago the winning number is five. The board consist of 36 slots evenly spaced on in a 6x6 square. The board is broken into four parts, each one a 3x3 square. This becomes important for the game play.
Pentago is a two player turn based game. The first player puts one of their tokens in any unoccupied slot. Then, they must turn one of the small sections 90 degrees clockwise or counter clockwise. A player can not skip the second part of their turn, and must rotate one (and only one) of the small squares. The part rotated does not have to be the part in which they just placed their piece, but it can be if they so chose. The second player does then does the same. Play continues until one person gets five pieces in a row. If you get five pieces in a row by placing one down (meaning before you turn a section) you are the winner and the game is over (meaning you do not have to rotate a section). If the board fills up and no one has five in a row then the game ends in a draw. If a section is rotated in such a way that both players get five in a row the game is also considered a draw. The five in a row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. It can cross one, two, or three sections.
You can play online for free at At the site you can play the computer, use their digital board to play someone sitting next to you, or use their site to challenge someone via email. In an email challenge game; you make your move, an email is sent to your opponent bringing them to an updated board to make their move, and email is sent to you bringing you to an updated board to make your next move, and so on until the game ends.
Individuals will get to appreciate online games if they know how to play them.