Monday, July 6, 2009

If you want to make a logo using Google font and coloring, is your simple solution. All you have to do is go to the website, enter the text in the box, and click the "Create Logo" button. That is it. If you do not like the color pattern just click on the "Create Logo" again and it will mix them up. Once satisfied, download your newly created logo and do with it what you will (just avoid trademark violations).

If you want a Google styled Gmail address, you should head to Berman Post:


  1. Your article finishes by these words 'just avoid trademark violations'.

    Since the GoogleFont web site says "Create a company logo for free", does that mean I could use the Google font and color to, let's say, create my own little company called for exemple "Toox", and using the GoogleFont page, I can get a colorfull "Toox"-logo and start using it on my letter-paper and enveloppes ?

    Sounds strange, uh ?

    So why do they say that, on the GoogleFont page ?

  2. You can create your own company logo; I was just saying that you should not use it to make your own "Google" or "Gmail" logo which would be a trademark violation.


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