Sunday, August 1, 2010

MSNBC Updates Website to Increase Diversity

Does this mean MSNBC was tired of having the race issue reflected back at them; because this really does not fix that. Olbermann asks 'Where Are The Black Faces' at Tea Party Protests and it is pointed out that there are more at Tea Party protests then at MSNBC or on his show. All this really does is show how far back in MSNBC's roster they have to go to find some diversity.

Picture embedded below.

"As I said Hall’s inclusion with the “Heavy Hitters” of MSNBC is a bit strange. MSNBC has never before bothered to put any of its M-FR dayside news talent in with the ones that get all the attention. It’s not like Hall’s two hours are fundamentally different in either format or subject matter from what airs at 10, 12, or 3pm ET aside from the fact that they still have segments from inside the control room. So the question arises: Why put Hall up front and center, literally center in this case, with a picture that is fundamentally different from the subued wardrobe theme that everyone else is sporting (which just about guarantees that Hall is the one you’re going to notice first because her picture sticks out so)?

Well the possible explanations could be endless but let me float the one that I find the most interesting. NBC, and other TV news organizations has been weathering periodic charges of lack of diversity in the newsroom.

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