Monday, August 30, 2010

Media Coverage of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally vs Martin Luther King, Jr. (Bold Mine)


"“Conservative commentator Glenn Beck and tea party champion Sarah Palin appealed Saturday to a vast, predominantly white crowd on the National Mall to help restore traditional American values and honor Martin Luther King’s message.” — Associated Press
“Meanwhile, many in the predominantly white crowd bent over backward to insist that they are not racists and to note that the crowd was courteous, despite heat and density.” — James Hohmann, Politico

“Beck says he and his overwhelmingly white followers ‘are the inheritors and protectors of the civil- rights movement.’” — Ben Adler, Newsweek

“Though the audience at the event was overwhelmingly white, many of the speakers were African-American, including a woman who sang a song about unity.” — Brian Montopoli, CBS

“Claiming the legacy of the nation’s Founding Fathers and repeatedly evoking civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., the speakers at the ‘Restoring Honor’ rally exhorted a vast and overwhelmingly white crowd to concentrate not on the history that has scarred the nation but instead on what makes it ‘good.’” — Philip Rucker & Carol Morello, Washington Post

“A relatively dense and overwhelmingly white crowd stretched from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial out past the Washington Monument.” — Mark Benjamin,

Martin Luther King, Jr.:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” — Martin Luther King, Jr."

Past Restoring Honor Rally posts:
Berman Post: Beck's Restoring Honor Rally (LiveStream)
Berman Post: Aerial Crowd Picture of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Overhead Shot of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Airplane Photos of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: CNN Really Screws up Title Box For Beck at His Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Obama's on Beck's Restoring Honor Rally - 'I Did Not Watch it' And 'Beck Just Stirring up People's Anxieties'

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