Saturday, July 24, 2010

Calvin Klein Jeans Puts up QR Code Billboards

This is an interesting way to skirt the sensors, though unless I missed something this ad is fairly mild by Calvin Klein standards. They are also banking on their customers having smart phones and the knowledge of what a QR code is and how to use them.

Picture embedded below.

"This past weekend, Calvin Klein Jeans replaced three of its billboards — two in downtown New York and one on Sunset Boulevard in LA — not with another racy montage of scantily clad models, but with a bright red QR code under the words “Get It Uncensored.”

Passersby can use their smartphones to snap a picture, which will pull up an exclusive, 40-second commercial featuring models Lara Stone, “A.J.,” Sid Ellisdon, Grayson Vaughan and Eric Anderson.

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