Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Obama ad - Few Presidents Have Faced so Many Challenges

Few presidents have failed their challenges so badly is more accurate.

Video embedded below.

"So… other presidents have faced 9/11, the Cold War, WWII, the Great Depression, WWI, the various other recessions of the 20th century, and etcetera… but we’re to understand that few presidents have faced challenges on par with those “inherited” by The One. Huh. That doesn’t reek of hubris at all.

There’s no question that every era, every generation, every president has their own uniquely difficult challenges — challenges are ever-present, and yes, some may be more consequential than others, but the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries alone have seen plenty of do-or-die moments. The real question is how presidents meet and respond to those challenges.

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