A lot of people watched Romney win, and a lot more read about it after the fact.
One more interesting stat for you, Obama spoke for longer then Romney did.
"The president receives more than 4 minutes more face time than Romney during the first debate, or a 12 percent greater amount than the GOP nominee
In a debate in which both candidates were supposed to receive equal speaking time, President Barack Obama was given 12 percent more airtime Wednesday evening at the first presidential debate at the University of Denver in Colorado.
Obama spoke for 42 minutes and 40 seconds or 52.7 percent of the candidate-allotted speaking time.
And while Romney at times appeared to interrupt moderator Jim Lehrer, perhaps he did so for good reason.
A Smart Politics analysis finds that Mitt Romney spoke for 38 minutes and 14 seconds, or 47.3 percent of the candidate-allotted speaking time - a full four minutes and 26 seconds less than Barack Obama."
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