Sunday, June 12, 2011

Obama Sides With Argentina Over England on Falkland Islands

Mind boggling; what could Obama possibly be thinking here?

"And not for the first time, either. In part of Barack Obama’s “smart power” diplomacy that he promised would restore our standing with American allies, the Obama administration sided with Argentina in demanding that the UK open negotiations over the status of the Falkland Islands, joining such stalwart American allies as Nicaragua and Venezuela. The OAS declaration even uses the Argentinian name for the islands, a particular insult
So the people who live there want to remain part of the UK. On what basis does the US intend to demand talks over sovereignty? It can’t be self-determination, because if that were the case, there would be no question that the Falklands are British, and should stay British. Nor can it be a question of colonialism, as the Falklands have their own home-rule government within the UK’s sovereignty, and the people of the islands consider themselves fully British. Moreover, the OAS declaration comes in response to a threat of military action from Argentina, which has publicly talked about a blockade of British shipping in the region over sovereignty claims by Buenos Aires.

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