Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Turkey May Send Navy Ships to Accompany Next 'Gaza Aid' Ship

Israel is unlikely to back down from the blockade of Gaza (nor is Egypt). If Turkey actually sends naval ships on the next 'Gaza aid' mission we could be looking at a war. If Israel lets boats through Gaza will be turned into a terrorist rocket launching pad. If the next convoy of boats has a Turkish military escort... things could go very badly very quickly.


"Meanwhile Tuesday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel not to test Ankara’s patience.

“Turkey’s hostility is as strong as its friendship is valuable,” he said. “Israel in no way can legitimize this murder, it cannot wash its hand of this blood.”

This comment, officials said, could signify a change in Turkish military posture in the event that another flotilla is dispatched to the Gaza Strip. One official said that the chances that Turkey would send navy ships were slim – due to its membership in NATO – but that the issue was of great concern.

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