Monday, December 4, 2006

Pizza Hut Fundraiser

Tuesday, November 28, the Right World View held its first off-campus fund- raiser. For it, we partnered with Pizza Hut in Greenwich, Connecticut. A deal was hashed out. For that particular day, from 11:00am- 8:00pm, Pizza Hut would give to the Right World View 20% of whatever revenue the newspaper bought to their restaurant.

To know what revenue was generated by the RWV, tickets were handed out by the staff that would be presented to the restaurant when the bill was being paid. They acknowledged that the patron wanted 20% of their bill to go to the Right World View.

Manhattanville students weren't the only ones who participated. Members from the community also did their part showing up and submitting tickets with their bills. These people were mostly family and friends of students that go to Manhattanville and some even seemed eager to participate.

Though the morning started out a bit on the slow side, things did pick up a little later in the day. The exact amount brought in to Pizza Hut by the Right World View won't be known for a little while. The amount that the newspaper will receive in funding will also not be known for a bit.

It can be said there was a strong turnout overall, with certain influxes at different points. We would like to thank all who participated and those that helped make this event possible. With your help, we can continue to put out more quality issues of the Right World View that we hope you enjoy reading.

Right World View Article Link:


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