Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TSA Chief John Pistole to Senators - 'I Can Arrange to Have Your Junk Touched if You’d Like'

Video embedded below.

"Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband, because they’re touching everybody’s junk out there.

John Pistole told senators on the Senate Science, Commerce and Transportation Committee that he “insisted” on receiving the pat-down to “experience what that involves so that we would know before we rolled it out,” and added that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has gotten a pat-down as well.

“Honestly, any member who has not experienced that pat-down [and] who would like to do that — I would not offer it — but an experienced qualified security officer would be glad to do that,” Pistole said…

“Yes, it was more invasive than what I was used to,” said Pistole. “Of course, what’s in my mind … is what are the plots out there, how are we informed by the latest intelligence and latest technology and what do we need to do to ensure the American people that as they travel that we are being thorough.”

You’ll be pleased to hear that GOP Senators Mike Johanns and George LeMieux both challenged Pistole on the junk-touching at today’s hearing"

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