Monday, November 1, 2010

Aerial Crowd Picture of Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear

Based on the new angle I think my original estimate of 200,000 to 300,000 should be revised to move the low end up. It appears the range of 250,000 to 300,000 is more probable.

Picture embedded below.

Thousands gather to see comedians Jon Stewart ...

Here are two comparison between the Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear and Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. The first is a numerical comparison. The conclusion is quoted. The second shows the same concept in a picture.

"Of course, we could have shortened this considerably: the Beck rally covered about 2.4 million square feet, while the Stewart/Colbert rally only about 1.6 million square feet. In other words, we know from that alone that the Stewart/Colbert rally was about six-tenths as big as the Beck rally."

Picture embedded below.

Past related posts:
Berman Post: Stewart And Colbert Announce Competing Rallies; Same Time, Same Place
Berman Post: Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear Announcement
Berman Post: Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear Overhead Shot
Berman Post: Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) at Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear Garners Controversy
Berman Post: Steven Crowder Assaulted at Rally to Restore Sanity And/or Fear

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